Liquid Controls IT300N User Manual

Page 7

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Save Total: (Save Total) Press the E key while the unit is running to save the total value. The display will show


save total" for a few seconds. This is a very useful "scratch pad" to save and restore total when replacing

the battery(ies)

ent Code: (enter code) This prompt will only appear if the panel lock is ON. Press the ↑ key to increment each digit.

Press the ← key to step to the next digit to the left. Press the E key to enter the 5 digit code. If the entered

code is correct, the display will advance to the next menu prompt (CLr tot). If incorrect, the display will return
to the run mode.

Clr tot: (clear total) Clears (resets) the totalizer. Press the E key to clear the total and return to the run mode. Press

the M key to skip and advance to the next menu selection.

fdeC: (factor decimal) Sets the decimal location for the factor. This location is restricted to 3 places (99.999). The use

of this decimal automatically limits the number of decimal locations allowable in the rate and total to acceptable
ranges. Press the ← key to move the decimal. Press the E key to select the displayed decimal location.


For best performance and resolution choose as many decimal places as possible in the K-Factor.

Example: Enter a K-Factor of 1 as 1.000.

faC lInear/20poInt: (factor type) This prompt will only appear if the unit is ordered with the 20 point linearization op-

tion. The

20 poInt linearization selection is recommended for fl ow meters whose K-factors change with different

fl ow rates. This selection allows users to enter up to 20 different frequencies with 20 corresponding K-factors for
different fl ow rates. The

lInear setting is used for fl ow meters whose output is linear over its' entire operating

fl ow range. Press the ↑ key to step to the desired choice. Press the E key to enter the displayed factor type.

No / yes set Pnts


: (set 20 point?) This prompt allows the user to skip the 20 point setup routine. Select

yes for

initial setup or to change the present 20 point values. Select

No to skip and keep the existing values.

faC : (factor) This prompt appears on all units with linear inputs. The Factor is the number of pulses per unit volume

for the fl ow sensor. The pulses/unit volume is implied by the totalizer descriptor when a descriptor is used. The
implied units for the Factor are then as follows:


"D-BBL" Option

"D-BBL" Option

















Factors from 0.0001 to 99999999 may be used. A "0" value for the factor is not allowed and the unit will default
to "1" in LSD if a "0" entry is attempted . The factor is displayed on the subsidiary (lower) display. Press the ↑

key to increment each digit. Press the ← key to step to the next digit to the left. Press the E key to enter the

displayed factor.

fr# : (frequency for point #) This prompt will only appear when 20 point selected. It sets the frequency for each of

the 20 points (#). Press the ↑ key to increment each digit. Press the ← key to step to the next digit to the left.

Press the E key to enter the desired frequency for point #.

faC# : (factor for point #) This prompt will only appear when 20 point selected. It sets the factor for each of the 20

points (#). Press the ↑ key to increment each digit. Press the ← key to step to the next digit to the left. Press

the E key to enter the desired factor for point #.

NOTE: The display will advance to the next point (Fr#) after each entry of the Fr & Fac until all 20 points are com-

plete. entering a 0 in the Fr or fac setting will advance the display to the next menu prompt (tdec).