Introduction, Principles of design – Liquid Controls Mechanical Eliminators User Manual

Page 7

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Principles of design

dUal head bUlk PlanT aIr elIMInaTors

By employing two air eliminators, a high mount air

eliminator and a low mount air eliminator, dual head

bulk plant air eliminators save the metering system from

shocks incurred by recurring small slugs of air (or vapor)

and prevent large slugs of air from passing by the air

eliminator and through the meter system.

Each time a standard air eliminator removes a small

slug of air, it closes the downstream differential valve.

When the the differential valve closes at a high flowrate,

meter systems can incur a significant hydraulic shock.

Repeated shocks of this nature can shorten the life of

the metering system.

Dual head bulk plant air eliminators have a high mount

air eliminator that eliminate small slugs of air without

stopping the product flow through the meter system

to save the system from shock. Dual head bulk plant

air eliminators also have a low mount air eliminator to

remove large air slugs.

Occasionally, large slugs of air can overtake a

standard air eliminator, and excess air can blow by

the air eliminator and pass through the meter causing

inaccurate metering. With a dual head bulk plant air

eliminator and a differential valve as part of the metering

system, the float in the low mount air eliminator drops

in the presence of a large slugs of air, the differential

valve senses the presence of air as the pressure above

and below the diaphragm, and the valve closes until the

large slug of air is removed. When the float rises and the

valve opens, the high mount air eliminator removes the

remaining air in the vessel.

Dual head bulk plant

air eliminators require a

differential valve and they

can only be mounted in

fixed installations. They

are ideal for applications

when product is being

metered into storage from

a truck or transport with

a pump mounted on the


Single Head Bulk Plant Air Eliminator with Optical Sensor


Dual Head Bulk Plant Air Eliminator

sInGle head bUlk PlanT aIr elIMInaTor WITh

oPTICal sensor

The Single Head Bulk Plant Air Eliminator with Optical

Sensor performs the same functions as the Dual Head

Bulk Plant Air Eliminator. Both air eliminators use a

high mount air eliminator to siphon air without stopping
the flow. But instead of a low mount mechanical air

the Single Head Bulk Plant Air Eliminator

with Optical Sensor uses an optical sensor to identify

large air slugs. When the optical sensor identifies a
large air slug, it instantly signals an electronic preset or
register (Toptech’s MultiLoad presets or Liquid Controls’
LectroCount registers). The electronic device closes a
downstream control valve, stopping the product flow, and
the air slug is quickly vented.

The optical sensor provides several advantages over its
mechanical counterpart. The optical sensor’s reponse
time is much faster than pneumatic-based mechanical
air eliminators. The optical sensor has no moving parts
or piping requirements, which can simplify installation
and maintenance.