ADC Wireless Repeaters InterReach User Manual
Spec sheet, Interreach, In-building wireless repeaters

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In-building Wireless Repeaters
850 MHz Cellular and 1900 MHz PCS
ADC’s InterReach
In-building wireless repeaters are powerful and cost-effective solutions to
enhance indoor coverage for small to medium-size enterprise environments. These simple-to-use
devices are optimal for augmenting RF coverage in facilities such as small office buildings, retail
stores and warehouses. These repeaters feature a compact design, blend easily into any facility,
and are easy to set up through a simple GUI interface. These devices offer the flexibility to program
band selection and optimize alarm and performance settings as desired. The repeaters may also be
used in conjunction with a distributed antenna system (DAS).
Easy installation
User-friendly GUI interface
Band selectivity for Cellular and PCS
– Choose either a 5MHz block, a 15MHz block or any combination of a 5 and 15MHz block:
A, D, B, E, F and C
– Choose either all of Cellular A (including A, A' or A") or all of B (including B and B')
Excellent selectivity — each band has discrete IF SAW filters to mitigate interference
Provides product performance status via LED lights and optional enhanced alarm and
management through on-board modem
Low maintenance RF repeater system — ‘set it and forget about it‘