Impulse 8004e User Manual
Page 9

Optional make commands:
"make" or "make subdirs": this option will build all binaries, but will not
copy them to the locations described below.
"make objs": this option is similar to "make subdirs", but instead of building
executables, only objects will be created.
"make clean": this option removes all the build/executable files in the
working SeaIo directory. Installed files remain on your system.
"make uninstall": this option removes files that were previously installed to
the locations described below.
"make cleaninstall": removes any previous build files then performs a fresh
install. Everything is built from source again.
"make purge": removes installed files and build files in one command.
(exactly like performing "make uninstall" then "make clean")
Optional make parameters:
(you may either manually edit them in the Makefile or pass them at run time
like so: "make install KDIR=/
KDIR= /usr/src/linux
This is the path to configured kernel source.
MODDIR= /lib/modules/
This is the path that the kernel module is installed to. If you modify this, you
must also modify the "seaioload" script's MODDIR variable.
SUTILDIR= /usr/local/sbin
This is the location where the "seaioload" and "seaiounload" scripts are
installed by default. You must also modify the "seaioload" script's
UTILDIR= /usr/local/bin
This is where any standard utilities are installed.
LIBDIR= /usr/local/lib
This is where the SeaIO API library is installed. (libseaio.a)
INCLUDDIR= /usr/local/include
This is where the seaio header files will be installed.
seaio.conf will live here. This file is consulted by "seaioload", so if you
change this, modify the CONFIGDIR variable in "seaioload".
© Sealevel Systems, Inc.
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DIO-32.PCIe User Manual