Impulse R10L100-CHT2 User Manual
Impulse Monitors

C h a s s i s M o n i t o r
Mechanical Drawing
Model Name
Viewable Size I mage
Act ive Display Area(mm)
Pixel Pit ch(mm)
Number of Pixels
Cont rast Rat io
Display Color
Bright ness(cd/ m )
Viewing Angle(CR>=10)
Recommended Resolut ion
Signal Connect or
Power Source
Power Consumpt ion
Power Management
Plug & Play
Opt ional Video I nput
Opt ional DVI I nput
Opt ional Touch Screen
Remarks: R10L100 series= VGA input only
R10L110 series= VGA+Video I nput
10. 4"
210. 4(H)x157. 8(V)
0. 0685(H)x0. 2055(V)
1200: 1(t yp. )
16. 2M(6bit s/ FRC)
350 nit (t yp. )
-88~88(H); -88~88(V)
1024x768@60Hz, 75Hz
15 pin D-sub
12V DC in, wit h Ext ernal AC t o DC Adapt er (100~240V AC)
15W t ypical, normal operat ion
VESA DPMS Compliant
S-Video, Composit e
Resist ive, SAW, I R
* Op ti o n a l To u ch Scre e n re q u i re s d i ffe re n t me ch a n i ca l d e si g n .
U N IT:mm
Note: this is a s implified drawing and s ome c omponents
are not mark ed in detail. Pleas e c ontac t our s ales
repres entativ e if y ou need further produc t information.