7 cominput‐configuration – ADS-TEC VMT6010/6012/6015 User Manual
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© ads‐tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
1) To test the RFID function, select a suitable editor (Notepad, Word) and hold the RFID tag
to the RFID reader. This information will be issued.
The output data can be
pre customized in consultation with ads-tec
5.7 COMInput‐Configuration
The Application COMInput converts the data received over a serial interface, in key sequences and feeds it then
place in the Windows operating system. Thereby it is possible that the data of an RFID reader or a bar code
scanner arrive automatically without the active application.
Abb. 14:
The functionality of the application can be integrated via the Configuration Center surface at any time on or off.
The serial‐to‐use interface can be selected from the list of existing interfaces for activation of the service.
Baudrate: 9600/ Databits: 8/ Stopbits: 1/ Parity: None/ FlowControl: None
If the functionality of the RFID reader has been tested, the corresponding port has
to be disabled and then enabled again, otherwise it may cause a malfunction.
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