6 rfid‐configuration – ADS-TEC VMT6010/6012/6015 User Manual
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© ads‐tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
5.6 RFID‐Configuration
The equipment is pre‐configured to test the RFID functionality without configuration.
Check the functionality of your RFID reader through the following steps before
starting the commissioning of a software to exclude any transport damage or other
error sources.
Depending on the hardware configuration a MIFARE or LEGIC RFID reader is installed.
1) To test the RFID function, select the application "ads‐tec RFID sample application" on the pre‐installed
Configuration Center.
Ads‐tec RFID‐Reader Tool
The configuration of the application starts automatically, by launching the application which searches on all COM
ports to the RFID reader.
Abb. 11:
If an RFID reader is detected,it is interrogated cyclically whether a serial number (CSN) was read. It generates a
transponder serial number which is output directly to the surface.