Controlled Products Systems Group 4300SW User Manual
Page 12

8.1 - Outputs
Commercial Gate Operator Accessory Outputs:
./[email protected], ++8"+.2$#CQXBNMS@BSRENQRVHSBGHMF@BBDRRNQHDR
based on programming of the “Auxiliary IO” function. These outputs are pro-
grammed in the “FUNCTION Auxiliary I/O” menu.
Magnetic Lock: Provides fused power (1.85A max) and isolated relay COM-
,.--.1, ++8./[email protected], ++8"+.2$#CQXBNMS@BSRENQDKDBSQH-
cally powered and maintained magnetic locks. The delay for magnetic lock
activation/deactivation may be adjusted from 0 to 5 seconds.
to indicate gate operation. This output is active when the gate is operating
(Opening and Closing). Sets the amount of time the lamp accessory output is
activated prior to gate movement. Settings from 0 to 5 seconds with a step
of 0.5 seconds.
Alarm: Provides fused power (0.5A @ 12VDC) to drive an alarm siren to sig-
nal the occurrence of a hard shutdown, caused by 2 consecutive entrapment
events (signals). This alarm output is reset by pressing the “Reset Hard Shut-
down” button on the front panel or activating the “FIRE” input.
8.2 - Inputs
Figure 17 - INPUTS
Commercial Gate Operator Accessory Inputs:
Auxiliary Inputs 1 (16) and 2 (18): These digital inputs may be connected to
the digital outputs of accessories and programmed to activate or control the
gate operator in a number of different modes. Shorting pin 1 to pin 2 through
a dry contact activates the programmed settings for these input. These inputs
are programmed in the “FUNCTION Auxiliary I/O” menu.
LOOP Input: (22) Dry contact input that can be programmed for an inductive
safety loop or photo-eye detector. Shorting the digital input to GND reverses
a closing gate to the full open position. The opened gate is held opened for as
long as the LOOP input is active.
LOOP 1 Input: (24) Dry contact input that can be programmed for an induc-
tive safety loop or photo-eye detector. Activating the LOOP 1 input maintains
an OPEN gate fully open and a CLOSED gate fully closed until deactivated.
Setting the LOOP1 input to “Photo Mode” causes the moving gate to stop,
then reopens the gate when the LOOP1 input is deactivated.
LOOP 2 Input: (26) Dry contact input that can be programmed for an induc-
tive safety loop or photo-eye detector. Activating the LOOP2 input (26) closes
the gate to the fully closed position. This loop input is intended for use with
safety sensors to prevent entrapment between the opening gate and an adja-
cent wall or structure.
Edge Input:3GHRHMOTSL@XADBNMjFTQDC@Rf#(&(3 +tNQf - +.&t
contact input; otherwise the “ANALOG” must measure 8200ohms when input
is activated and stops the gate regardless of direction of travel, momentarily
reverses it then stops.
Exit Input: (30) Dry contact input for a vehicle exit sensor. Opens gate from
the closed position and holds gate open with maintained input or reverses
gate if closing.
the gate and holds the gate open until the control switch is deactivated. Auto-
close is disabled when this input is activated. Also clears hard shutdown.
Guard Station Open: (34) Dry contact input for a guard station open
switch. Momentarily shorting the digital input to GND opens the gate (master
and slave) to the full open position with the subsequent auto-close feature
Guard Station Stop: (35) Dry contact input (Normally Closed) for a guard
station stop switch. Momentarily opening this input stops the opening gate at
its current position. While this input is activated, all other inputs are disabled
and are not functional.
Guard Station Close: (36) Dry contact input for a guard station close switch.
Momentarily shorting the digital input to GND closes the gate (master and
Radio Open: (39) Dry contact input for an accessory radio open switch.
Momentarily shorting the digital input to GND opens the gate to the full open
position with the subsequent auto-close feature enabled.
Radio Close: (40) Dry contact input for an accessory radio close switch.
Momentarily shorting the digital input to GND closes the gate.
Radio Input: Open/Close: (39 and 40) If you tie open and close together the
unit will operate like a garage door opener in the instance that each time you
press the button, it will either OPEN, STOP or CLOSE.
8.3 - Communication bus
Programming and diagnostic unit which connects directly to the gate control-
ler and is part of the Nice “Opera” control system. The unit can be used in
“stand-alone” mode via its front-panel keypad, or it may be accessed via a
Bluetooth or cellular-enabled PDA, PC, or Smartphone when used with the