Monitoring system, Dual-action talk buttons, Stage announce (paging) – Clear-Com CS-702 User Manual

Page 9: Call signaling, Program input

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C S - 7 0 2 T W O - C H A N N E L M A I N S T A T I O N

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The front panel of the CS-702 has one headset connector for use by the
operator. The operator monitors the intercom channels by turning up the
appropriate listen level volume controls (one for channel A, one for channel
B). Either channel may be monitored separately, or both simultaneously
(without tying the two channels together). These volume controls are always
active regardless of talk channel selection on the station.

The jack marked earphone is connected in parallel with the earphone circuit
of the headset connector. It can be used for monitoring or recording.


Each channel has its own talk button which can either latch on, or operate
momentarily. Pressing the button quickly will toggle the talk function,
alternately turning it on or off. The talk button will illuminate amber when
activated and blue when not activated.


The stage announce button on the front panel sends the signal from the
operator’s headset microphone to the balanced, line-level stage announce
output on the back panel.

The stage announce button also mutes the operator’s voice output to the
intercom channels. This mute function can be defeated with an internal
user-selectable jumper. The stage announce button also activates a SPDT
relay when pressed. The 1 ampere contacts can be used for any user-desired
control function (i.e. muting a local monitor speaker).


Visual “call signaling” attracts the attention of people who have removed their
headsets or turned off their speakers. The CS-702 front panel provides a call
button for each channel. Pressing the call button turns on the call lights at all
stations on that channel. The call is active regardless of talk status.

When a remote station sends a call signal, the call button associated with that
channel flashes red, whether or not the channel is selected.


The CS-702 accepts a balanced, mic-level or line-level program input which
can be monitored in the headset. Program volume for the operator’s headset is
adjustable with the program volume knob on the front panel. The external
program is also assignable and adjustable in level to either or both channels,
and mixes with the intercom signal. The program feed can be set to be
interrupted by the talk for a particular channel.