Rear panel, Rear panel -7 – Clear-Com MS-702 User Manual
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C l e a r - C o m ®
M S - 7 0 2 T w o - C h a n n e l M a i n S t a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l
1 - 7
1. Check and unscrew the set screw in the mic mounting flange to make
sure it is clear of the threads in the bushing.
2. Screw the microphone into the bushing hand tight.
3. Turn the set screw on top of the mic mounting flange clockwise to
lock the microphone in place.
19. Headset Connector: The headset connector is located on the front panel.
All Clear-Com headsets are recommended for use with the MS-702. The
following is a description of the characteristics of a suitable headset:
Mic Type --- Dynamic; 150 to 250 ohms impedance; -55 dB output level
Headphone --- Dynamic; 50 to 2000 ohms impedance
The wiring of the headset is to be as follows:
Pin 1 --- Mic common
Pin 2 --- Mic hot
Pin 3 --- Headphone common
Pin 4 --- Headphone hot
The mic and headphone wiring in the headset cord must be individually
shielded. Do not connect pins #1 and #3 together. Headset extension
cords or headset “Y” cables are not recommended because they will
increase crosstalk between channels.
26. Short Lights: There is one red light for channel A and one for channel B.
These lights illuminate when the MS-702 senses a short or overload on
the associated channel. When the fault is removed, the MS-702 will
automatically reset and the light will go out.
The controls and connectors found on the MS-702 rear panel are shown in the
following figure and briefly described by the text that follows. The numbers
in the left column refer to Figure 3.
Figure 3: Rear Panel
4. Tone Alert Volume Control: This control adjusts the volume of the tone
alert sound. This is normally adjusted when the system is set up and there
should be no need to adjust it in normal operation.
15. Option Switches: Eight option switches are provided on the rear panel.
They should be configured when the system is set up, but are not changed