Cashco C27 - C53 Actuator User Manual
Page 5
4. Remove lock washer (22) and stem spacer
5. Remove spring plate (9) diaphragm plate (8),
diaphragm (7), o-ring (15) and diaphragm
washer (14).
6. Grasp stem (6) with hand and push upwards
to where indicating washer aligns with the
“O” open mark on the indicator plate (23).
7. Place springs (10) equally spaced in bottom
case (2) around the attachment hub (4).
8. Place stem spacer (5) on top of stem (6).
Carefully position spring plate (9) over top
the tops of the springs and spacer. Ensure
the springs, spacer and spring plate are
properly engaged.
9. Carefully set the diaphragm plate (8) on top
of the spring plate (9).
10. Install diaphragm (7) over the diaphragm
plate (8) and align with bolt holes in case
(2). Insert new o-ring (15) into groove in the
diaphragm washer (14).
11. Position diaphragm washer (14) “o-ring
side down” and lock washer (22) on top of
diaphragm (7).
12. Apply Loc-tite #242 to stem bolt (12) threads
and insert down through stacked parts,
rotate CW to engage threaded end of stem
(6). Secure the fl ats on the lower end of the
actuator stem (6) with a wrench. Tighten
stem bolt (12) to actuator stem (6) with 35
ft-lbs. torque.
NOTE: DO NOT rotate actuator stem (6) or body
stem while plug is touching the seat surface.
13. Refer to B.3 previous, align top and bottom
cases (1,2). Install long bolting (19) and
nuts (21) equally spaced around the bolt
circle - fi nger tight.
14. Install remaining short bolts (18) and nuts
(20). Torque all bolting to 75 in-lbs.
Rotate upstop fl ex nut (52) to align just past
the fl ats on the stem (6). NOTE: Upstop
position cannot be set until the bench range
is set.
E. To Remove Handwheel Assembly.
For Air to Close Construction:
1. Rotate locknut (36) CCW two revolutions.
Rotate handwheel (31.2) CCW until it spins
2. With hammer and pointed punch, tap the
spring pin (35) out of the handwheel and
remove handwheel.
3. Remove nuts (38) and lock washer (48) from
cap screws (37). DO NOT let bracket as-
sembly fall as cap screws are removed. Lift
bracket assembly up such that the opening
of the pivot brackets (26) slip over the posts
on the coupling assembly (33). Set bracket
assembly aside.
4. Provide a temporary air supply with an in-line
ad just able airset regulator to the actuator
con nec tion.
5. Pressurize the ac tu a tor to a pres sure level
2-3 psig (0.1-0.2 Barg) above the lower
pres sure lev el of the bench setting; i.e. for a
5-15 psig (.34 -1.0 Barg) range, set pressure
at 7-8 psig (0.48-0.55 Barg).
6. Rotate the coupling assembly (33) CCW to
remove and release all air pres sure from
ac tu a tor.
Return to Section IV. B. Step 1.
For Air to Open Construction:
1. Rotate locknut (36) CCW up to base of
handwheel. Rotate handwheel (31.2) CW
until it spins freely.
2. With hammer and pointed punch, tap the
spring pin (35) out of the handwheel and
remove handwheel.
3. Remove nuts (38) and lock washer (48) from
cap screws (37). DO NOT let bracket as-
sembly fall as cap screws are removed. Lift
bracket assembly up such that the opening
of the pivot brackets (26) slip over the posts
on the coupling assembly (33). Set bracket
assembly aside.
4. Rotate coupling assembly (33) CCW to
Return to Section IV. B. Step 1.