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17/10/12 - 300028005-001-03

TRIO DT 250 - TRIO DT 350


Adjustment parameter CX - Maximum collector

Adjustment range: 100 ... 125 °C
Factory setting: 100 °C

Maximum collector temperature (overheating safety): Non-
adjustable value: 130 °C.

If the temperature in the collector rises above its maximum
temperature CX even though the solar circuit is stopped (tank set
storage temperature reached), the solar pump (R1) switches on and
cools the collector (system cooling). In these conditions, the tank
temperature rises, but it can't exceed 80 °C (safety cut-off).
If the calorifier reaches the maximum temperature of 80°C (safety
shutdown), the regulator switches off the solar pump.

The collectors may reach a temperature of 160 ... 200°C, which
is normal for a solar installation.

The cooling functions allows heat to dissipate; the system thus
remains operational longer during hot summers. When it leaves the
factory, the collector's maximum temperature is preset to 100 °C;
however, it is possible to change this within the range 100 ... 125 °C.
If the maximum collector temperature is exceeded, the display shows



(flashing) and the LED changes to flashing red/



Adjustment parameter tu - Self-calibration phase

Adjustment range: 1 ... 5 minutes
Factory setting: 3 minutes
When the solar collector reaches a minimum temperature of 30 °C
and a preset temperature difference of 10 K from the tank
temperature, the regulator switches on the solar circulating pump at
full speed for the time period set by parameter tu. During this phase,
any air bubbles present in the solar collectors or the pipes are moved
to the complete solar station by the high circulation speed in the pipes
and eliminated by the Airstop system (manual bleed degasser).
After this phase, the regulator changes to "matched flow" mode. The
remaining self-calibration time is displayed with parameter tc.


Adjustment parameter PN - Pump minimum

Adjustment range: 50 ... 100%
Factory setting: 50%
Adjustment parameter PN sets a minimum value for the solar pump
speed at the relay R1 output. The lower the pump regime, the lower
its flow.


Adjustment parameter FT - Tubular solar collector

Adjustment range: 0/1
Factory setting: 0
0: no
1: yes
If the regulator detects a temperature rise in the collector of 2 K
compared to the last measurement, the solar pump runs at full speed
for 30 seconds to measure the current average temperature.
The measured temperature thus becomes the new reference
If the measured temperature (new reference) then increases again
by 2 K, the solar pump starts again for 30 seconds.
The regulator switches automatically to solar heating mode if the
temperature difference between the collector and the calorifer
exceeds the switching-on temperature difference when the solar
pump is operating or the system is stopped.
If the collector temperature falls by 2 K while the system is stopped,
the tubular solar collector activation temperature is rechecked.


Adjustment parameter Fx - Maximum flow rate

Adjustment range: 0 ... 20 l/min
Factory setting: Installation 1: 6.7 - Installation 2: 4.2
