Datamax-O'Neil M-Class Mark II Present Sensor Option User Manual

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Load media into the printer as you normally would for tear-off operation (see the Operator’s Manual for
details). When equipped with the Present Sensor option, labels printed in a batch will be dispensed “on-
demand” – that is, printing will occur only after a previously printed label has been removed from the

Setup, Configuration, and Operation

The Present Sensor is plug and play; no setup or configuration is required. As soon as power is applied, the
printer senses and enables the Present Sensor for operation.

During operation, when a label is present (blocking the sensor), the yellow Stop Light on the front panel of
the printer will flash to prompt you that a label awaits removal.

With printers equipped with an LCD display, the display will read “REMOVE LABEL”

Notes: (1) The operation of the Present Sensor can also be controlled via software commands from the host. Be

sure that your software program is properly configured for use with this option. (2) If the Present Sensor is
disconnected without first powering off the printer, the printer will behave as if there is a label blocking the
sensor. Turn the printer off and then back on. The printer will reconfigure itself to operate without the
Present Option

Present Sensor Maintenance

No regularly scheduled maintenance of the Present Sensor is required, however, for trouble-free operation
be sure to keep the sensor free of debris and dust. To clean the Present Sensor:


For your safety and to avoid damaging the printer, turn ‘Off’ and unplug the printer before cleaning; and
take proper precautions when using isopropyl alcohol, a flammable liquid.

 Turn off and unplug the printer. Remove any media.

 Using a Cotton Swab or compressed air, wipe or dust

off the Sensors.

(In cases of extreme build-up, a cotton swab
dampened with isopropyl alcohol can be used to
clean the Sensors.)

 If alcohol was used, allow the Sensors to dry;

otherwise, go to Step 4.

 This completes the cleaning procedure. Reinstall

media. Plug in and turn on the printer.


Cotton Swab