BEI Sensors High Resolution Inclinometers User Manual

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CANopen Industrial Datasheet

Version 130305



Programmable Encoder - Parameter

Resolution per 1°

The parameter resolution per 1° is used to program the desired number of

steps per revolution. The values 1, 10, 100 and 1000 can be programmed.

Preset Value

The preset value is the desired position value, which should be reached at a

certain physical position of the axis. The position value is set to the desired

process value by the parameter pre-set.


The Baudrate can be programmed via SDO, default 20KBaud.

Node Number

The setting of the node number is achieved via SDO-Object. Possible (valid)

addresses lie between 0 and 89 whereby every address can only be used

once. The CANopen inclinometer adds internal 1 to the adjusted device

address. Defauld 20Hex

Programmable CAN Transmission Modes

Polled Mode

By a remote-transmission-request telegram the connected host calls for the

current process value. The inclinometer reads the current position value,

calculates eventually set-parameters and sends back the obtained process

value by the same identifier.

Cyclic Mode

The inclinometer transmits cyclically - without being called by the host - the

current process value. The cycle time can be programmed in milliseconds

for values between 1 ms and 65536 ms.

Sync Mode

After receiving a sync telegram by the host, the inclinometer answers with

the current process value. If more than one node number (encoder) shall

answer after receiving a sync telegram, the answer telegrams of the nodes

will be received by the host in order of their node numbers. The

programming of an offset-time is not necessary. If a node should not answer

after each sync telegram on the CAN network, the parameter sync counter

can be programmed to skip a certain number of sync telegrams before

answering again.


A node signaled his communication status by transmiting cyclically a

heartbeat message. This message could receives one, divers or each

member (Heartbeat Consumer) in the bus and so they can control the

dedicated node(Heartbeat Producer).