Manual overview – ALLIED Vision Technologies Bigeye G-1100 Cool User Manual
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Bigeye G Technical Manual V2.1.0
Manual overview
This manual overview outlines the contents of each chapter of this manual.
Contacting Allied Vision Technologies
on page 5 lists AVT contact
data (phone numbers and URLs) for both:
– Technical information / ordering
– Commercial information
on page 7 (this chapter) gives you the document
history, a manual overview (short description of each chapter) and
conventions used in this manual (styles and symbols). Furthermore, you
learn how to get more information on AVT GigE Installation Manual,
available AVT software (incl. documentation) and where to get it.
on page 12 gives you a short introduction
to the Bigeye G cameras with their GigE technology. Links are provided to
information on GigE Vision and GenICam and to data sheets and
brochures on AVT website.
on page 14 gives you information about conformity of
AVT cameras (CE, RoHS).
on page 35 describes the available filters.
Suitable camera lenses for different focal lengths are provided for
different camera models.
on page 15 lists camera details and measured
spectral sensitivity diagrams for each camera type.
on page 38 provides CAD drawings of
standard housing models.
on page 41 describes in general the inputs/
outputs of the cameras (incl. trigger features): Gigabit Ethernet port,
camera I/O connector pin assignment, schematic input/output block
diagrams as well as a general description of trigger (timing diagram,
definitions and rules).
on page 48 describes the data path
of the Bigeye G cameras in block diagrams as well as available Bigeye G
camera controls. For a detailed description of all camera controls see the
document: AVT GigE camera and driver attributes. Furthermore the
image memory, color interpolation is described.
on page 57 gives you quick access to all relevant data in
this manual.