PA Industries Magnum Servo Roll Feed SRF-M12/18/24/32/36/48 - Operation Manual User Manual

Page 15

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B a c k L e n g t h 0 . 0 0 0
K e r f 0 . 0 0 0
M a x L e n g t h 6 0 . 0 0 0
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Back Length is used for Cut-to-Length application to protect the material against bending up by the blade. If any
value is assigned for this parameter, the feed will move material back for the distance that equals Back Length when
Reset Cam input is turned “On” by the blade bottom position sensor. The Back Length is compensated on the next
move, so it has no affect on the Length parameter. It is a numeric entry, with a range of 0 to 1 inch.

Kerf is a cutting tool width and used for Cut-to-Length application to compensate for a loss of the Length caused by
width of the tool. It is a numeric entry, with a range of 0 to 10 inches.

Max length is a Length limit and protects against accidental entering extra digits, for example: 100 inch instead of 10
inch. It is a numeric entry, with a range of 0 to 999999. (This value is factory set to 20.000.)

NOTE: The following screen is part of the optional PLS package and displayed only if the corresponding
software is loaded.

P L S C o u n t s / R e v 1 0 2 4
P r e s s O f f s e t 3 2 1

S E T U P - E x i t B K S P - P r e v

PLS Counts/Rev is an amount of pulses the PLS encoder produces per revolution. This is a tuning parameter. In order
to change its value, consult P/A Industries Service Department.

Press Offset is a difference between PLS and Press absolute positions in degrees. It is a numeric value, with a range
of 0 to 360. See 4.10 HOW TO SYNCHRONIZE PRESS AND PLS on page 25.

L e n g t h M o d e C o n t r o l
L e n g t h C h e c k 0 . 0 1
S t r i p S c a l e 3 3 8 6 . 3 0
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Length Mode is a parameter that selects whether the feeder works in the Control or Check mode. Entering a "0"
selects Control mode and "I" selects Check mode.

Length Check is a parameter that defines the Check mode tolerance. It is a numeric entry with a range of 0.00 to
5.00 inch.

Strip Scale is the Strip Encoder scaling parameter used to define the number of encoder counts/inch. It is a numeric
entry with a factory value 3386.17.

P r o f i l e L i n e a r
B a n d w i d t h 1 5 0
K p M u l t i p l i e r 2 . 0
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Profile: is a parameter that defines whether the feed motion profile is Linear or S-Curve. In other words, the motion
profile is triangle or trapezoidal with linear acceleration / deceleration, or acceleration / deceleration is S-shaped.
(Refer to the picture below) The S-Curve becomes handy on applications with possible-material slippage between the
rolls of the feed. Entering a "0" selects Linear mode and "I" selects S-Curve mode.