PA Industries Edge Servo Roll Feed with SFI SRF-100/125/200/300/400/500/600 User Manual

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S c a l e 7 3 5 5 . 0 0
D i r e c t i o n ( 1 / 0 ) C W
D e b o u n c e ( m S ) 1
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Scale is the encoder scaling parameter used to define the number of encoder counts/inch (or mm). It is a numeric
entry. Its value is 273809 cnts/inch (10780 cnts/mm) for SRF200, 300, 400, 500, 600 models and 339214 cnts/inch
(13355 cnts/mm) for SRF100.

Direction controls the direction of positive motor rotation. Entering “0” selects CW and a “1” selects CCW.

Debounce is the amount of time each input should stay HI or LOW, in order to be recognized. It is a numeric entry,
with a range of 0 to 999 msec. It is normally set to 1.

K p 2 0 0
P g a i n 1 2 0 0
I g a i n 1
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Kp is proportional gain of the position loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Industries Service Department.

Pgain is proportional gain of the velocity loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Industries Service Department.

Igain is integral gain of the velocity loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Industries Service Department.

F F 1 . 0
K f f 1 . 0
C u r r e n t L i m i t 3 0
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

FF is an acceleration feedforward gain of the velocity loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value
consult P/A Service Department.

Kff is a feedforward gain of the position loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Service Department.

Current Limit is a maximum positive and negative current the drive may output to the motor. This is a tuning
parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A Service Department.

B a c k L e n g t h 0 . 0 0 0
K e r f 0 . 0 0 0
M a x L e n g t h 6 0 . 0 0 0
S E T U P - E x i t B K S P - P r e v

Back Length is used for Cut-to-Length application to protect the material against bending up by the blade. If any
value is assigned for this parameter, the feed will move material back for the distance that equals Back Length when
Reset Cam input is turned “On” by the blade bottom position sensor. The Back Length is compensated on the next
move, so it has no affect on the Length parameter. It is a numeric entry, with a range of 0 to 1 inch.

Kerf is a cutting tool width and used for Cut-to-Length application to compensate for a loss of the Length caused by
width of the tool. It is a numeric entry, with a range of 0 to 10 inches.