Mdc manager, Computer requirements, Connecting to a mdc – MoTeC MDC User Manual
Page 9: Installing mdc manager, Managing configurations, Changing configurations, User mode tables

MDC Manager
The MDC Manager software is necessary to configure an MDC unit from a PC. A new MDC unit must be
configured before its initial use.
Computer requirements
The MDC Manager software runs under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000 or XP operating systems. The minimum
recommended PC specification is a Pentium 90 with 16MB RAM and a parallel port or USB port.
Connecting to a MDC
The MDC connects to the PC using either the MoTeC UTC (USB To CAN) adaptor or the MoTeC CAN cable
connected to the PC parallel port. The MDC unit must be powered to communicate with the PC.
Installing MDC Manager
The MDC software can be installed either from the MoTeC Resource CD supplied with the MDC, or from the
MoTeC website (
To start the program after installation, click on Start
MDC Manager
MDC Manager
Managing Configurations
An MDC configuration file determines exactly how the MDC unit will operate. The MDC Manager software allows
configurations to be created, edited and sent to the MDC. To prevent unauthorized copying of configuration data,
configurations cannot be read out of the MDC.
To create a new configuration, select File | New from the main menu, or use the default configuration created on
To open an existing configuration file, select File | Open from the main menu and select the desired file.
After a configuration has been created or modified it should be saved with a meaningful name by selecting File |
Save or File | Save As from the main menu.
To send the currently opened configuration to the MDC, select Online | Send Config from the main menu, or press
F5. The configuration is automatically saved to disk when sent to the MDC. A new configuration must be saved
with a new name before it can be sent.
TIP: To open an existing configuration file that exactly matches the configuration currently in the MDC, select
Online | Open Matching Config while connected to the powered MDC. If a matching configuration is found in the
default location on the PC then the configuration will be loaded.
Changing Configurations
User Mode Tables
Each of the four user modes has a set of three tables that determine the diff lock characteristics for the mode.
The speed and throttle position or ECU efficiency axis values used for all user mode tables are configurable under
the File | Setup option in the main menu, and can have between 2 and 11 values. Linear interpolation is used
between table points.
The Acceleration table is used to generate the %lock when the foot brake is not applied.
The Braking table is used to generate the %lock when the foot brake is applied, and is an override table for the
Acceleration table values.