MoTeC Interpreter User Manual

Page 30

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28 Analysis


template has been defined, this feature can be used to examine the
behaviour of channels over a certain section of the data.

To enable this function, select ‘Preferences’ from the File menu on the main
Interpreter window and click on the Graph tab. The shows a section for User
Data Selection with options to update XY Graph and Histogram.

To update a histogram or XY graph with data from a section of the graph
display, hold Alt+Shift, then double click and select an area. The duration of
the Histogram data and/or X-Y graph will now be over the time period
highlighted in the graph screen.

Note: For this feature to work effectively it is recommended that Interpreter be
run in a reduced size mode, ie: not maximised on the screen. This will make it
easier to display multiple types of data: graph and histogram and/or track
map. In the screen capture below the three windows displayed have been
resized and positioned on the screen to make best use of the screen space.