Acquiring data, Dash/logger – MoTeC Interpreter User Manual
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8 Acquiring
Acquiring Data
Data for analysis may be downloaded from a number of MoTeC products if
the data logging option has been enabled. The data does not have to be
unloaded by the computer that is used for data analysis, however log files can
be up to several megabytes in size therefore a simple computer network
would be the preferred way to transfer logged data files between computers.
Data is downloaded from an ADL Dash/Logger via a MoTeC CAN cable
attached to the parallel port of a Laptop/Desktop computer. Downloading
can be initiated from either MoTeC Dash Manager or MoTeC Interpreter by
selecting the "Unload Dash" function. The CAN cable can be disconnected
from the vehicle when the scrolling status bar has disappeared and while the
downloaded data is being converted into log file format. Should it be
necessary to disconnect the CAN cable prior to the download being
completed the data downloaded to that point will be available for analysis.
This file will contain the most recent data as the Dash/Logger downloads the
newest data first.
The PC can download a 4Mbyte data set from a MoTeC ADL in
approximately one minute.
Engine Management System M800/M880
Data is downloaded with a MoTeC CAN cable. The download is initiated from
Interpreter by clicking on the “Unload M800/M880ECU” icon in the toolbar, or
from the ‘Connect’ menu. Note that Interpreter cannot unload the log data if
the EMP tuning software is still running.
Data from ECU’s with software version 1.1 and above are downloaded via a
MoTeC CAN cable attached to the parallel port of a Laptop/Desktop
computer. This can be initiated by clicking on the “Unload M800/880 ECU”
icon on the toolbar, or by selecting the appropriate item from the ‘Connect’
The PC can download a 4Mbyte data set from a MoTeC M880 in
approximately one minute.