MoTeC Interpreter User Manual

Page 27

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MoTeC Analysis



Next, the type of measurement: voltage, temperature, pressure etc is
selected, followed by the actual units for that measurement type. Click ‘OK’ to
go back to the main math window.

After setting up one or more math channels, click on ‘Save’ to close the Math
window and the calculations will be performed. Be sure to Save calculations
before moving between the three sections. Use the Math Status View to
determine if the calculations have been performed successfully.

Note: when using a negative number in an expression, the value must be
bracketed so that the negation is not confused with another operator. Eg:
SOURCE1 < (-1.5) is true if Source1 is less than –1.5

Details on the specific functions available are given in the Interpreter Help

Math Status

This display will show the results of math channel calculations. If they have
been unsuccessful, then there will be a diagnostic message indicating why
the math channel could not be calculated.