B&K Precision 575A - Manual User Manual
Page 9

Model 575A Digital IC Tester
1992-2007 B&K Precision Corp.
Page 5
manual together with notes on any special requirements for certain
Note that if you have stored a user library using CompactLink, an IC
in the user library with the same number as one in the internal
library will take precedence. This allows a new test to be written for
an existing IC. If you wish both tests to be available, use a different
number for your user test.
testing the IC
Insert the IC to be tested in the front of the 40 pin Zero Insertion
Force socket with pin 1 towards the display as shown below:
Ensure that the operating lever on the socket is in the open (i.e. up)
position before inserting the IC.
Close the socket by lowering the
lever, making sure that the IC is firmly seated in the socket and
making good contact. Press the TEST/EXEC key to activate the test
sequence for the IC. If an invalid IC type number was entered, or if
the IC you have requested is not supported the message "Unknown"
will be displayed.
Simply entering another IC type number will
automatically clear this error message. If a valid type number was
entered, the IC test will begin and the message "BUSY" will be
displayed while the test proceeds.
Many of the tests, however,
execute so quickly that this message is not noticeable.