Using external trigger, 3 using external trigger – B&K Precision 4030 - Manual User Manual

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trigger you will see a 50mS pulse (one division horizontally). You may have to push it
a couple of times because sometimes the trigger pulses off the screen. To verify that
the pulse is actually triggering you can hook the unit up to a counter that has a
"Total" feature. Every time you push the trigger the counter will count 1 pulse. If you
change your volts/division switch to 500mS and leave all the other settings the same
as above, you will see the pulses very clearly.

To continue viewing the trigger, make sure that the "Width" switch and the
time/division switch on your O-Scope match. There will come a point where the
trigger is too fast for your eye to view it using an analog scope. If you leave the
time/division at 500mS or 50mS you will be able to view faster pulses but it will be a
very dim and quick dot and you will have to look closely to see it; but once again,
verify the pulse by the counter. It should go up 1 every time you push the button.


Using External Trigger

First select either portative or negative edge external triggering. Then connect your external
signal to the TRIG IN BNC on the rear of the generator.

With the RATE KNOB set to 10M (100n), the output signal will equal the frequency of the
external signal. By then selecting the subsequent rates, the output frequency will be divide by
10 as you select the decade rates (e.g. if you input a 5 MHz external signal and set the RATE
KNOB to 1 M (1 µ), the output will equal 500 kHz.