Atec Tektronix-WFM90D-WFM91D User Manual

Wfm90d • wfm91d

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Features & Benefits

Battery or AC Powered

Truly Portable

4 in./102 mm Color
LCD Display

Picture Monitor

Waveform Monitor


Line Select Display

Audio Monitor

Waveform-in-picture Mode

Video Output for Routing
to External Display

AutoDetect of
Analog/270 Mbps – SDI Signal


– WFM90D:

NTSC/270 Mbps – SDI (525)

– WFM91D:

PAL/270 Mbps – SDI (625)


Field Production


Equipment Installation

H a n d h e l d Wa v e f o r m M o n i t o r s


The Tektronix WFM90D/WFM91D are

handheld, multifunction monitors ideally suited

to the monitoring needs of field production,

equipment installation or any situation where

portability and battery operation is required

for analysis of analog composite video and

270 Mbps – SDI systems. The combination

of features and monitoring modes provided

makes these instruments powerful enough to

set up, time and troubleshoot complex video

and audio systems, combining the power of

four separate instruments in the palm of

your hand.

The high-resolution, 4 in./102 mm color LCD

display provides a clear picture of the incom-

ing video signal. Alternately, the waveform,

vector or audio displays may be shown full-

screen or any one may be cut into any corner

of the display. In addition to the LCD display, a

composite video output supplies a mono-

chrome waveform, vector or audio display,

either full-screen or cut into a color picture.

Waveform Monitors •