Atec Thermo-Niton-XLP300 User Manual
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delineate its boundaries demand the speed and accuracy of a
Thermo Scientific Niton analyzer. The EPA recognizes this
technology’s advantage and has based its Method 6200 soil
testing procedures on handheld XRF. “The result is a clearer
delineation of how soil contamination differs from one part of the
property to another.”
When combined with optional Bluetooth™
communications and a portable GPS device, latitude, longitude, and
elevation are stored along with the analysis data from each test,
permitting real-time contamination mapping.
Further, the Niton XLp 300 Series has the added capability of
measuring lead in consumer products with its “Consumer Goods”
mode. This mode allows you to screen for lead in accordance with
the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008
by adding the extended capability to measure lead in plastics,
fabric, and other products. Lead in plastics and similar substrates is
reported in parts per million (ppm), while lead in paint is measured
in micrograms per square centimeter (μg/cm
). The instrument is the
only analyzer with a PCS that does not contain an inconclusive range
while still featuring the detection limits necessary to comply with the
All of our analyzers include fully customizable data fields for rapid
entry of sample location/condition and site conditions, simplifying
reporting and maximizing inspector productivity.
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Lead in Paint, Dust, Soil, “Renovation, Repair
and Painting,”
Lanphear BP, Dietrich K, Auinger P, Cox C. “Cognitive deficits associated with blood lead
concentrations <10 microg/dL in US children and adolescents.” Public Health Report 2000
Nov-Dec; 115(6) 521–529.
Lanphear BP, Matte TD, Rogers J, Clickner RP, Dietz B, Bornschein RL, Succop P, Mahaffey KR,
Dixon S, Galke W, Rabinowitz M, Farfel M, Rohde C, Schwartz J, Ashley P, Jacobs DE. “The
Contribution of Lead-Contaminated House Dust and Residential Soil to Children’s Blood Lead
Levels. A pooled analysis of 12 epidemiologic studies.” Environ Research. 1998 Oct 79(1):51–68.
Lead-Safe Yards, Developing and Implementing a Monitoring, Assessment, and Outreach
Program for Your Community, United States Environmental Protection Agency, January 2001,
page 68.
Thermo Scientific Niton XLp 300 Series analyzers are just one of our
handheld Niton analyzer solutions, which include XRF analysis tools
for metal alloy identification, lead-based paint testing, RCRA metals in
soil, toy and consumer goods screening, RoHS and WEEE compliance
screening, and many other analysis needs.
3.0 lbs (1.4 kg)
9.75 x 10.5 x 3.75 inches (248 x 273 x 95 mm)
(2) Rechargeable Quick Swap lithium-ion battery packs
6-14 hour use each
Excitation Source
40 mCi
Cd (1,480 Mbq) sealed radioisotope
X-ray Detector
High-performance, electronically cooled, solid-state detector
optimized for Pb L-shell and K-shell x-ray detection
System Electronics
Hitachi SH-4 CPU
ASICS high-speed DSP
4096 channel MCA
Backlit VGA touch-screen LCD
Testing Modes
Lead-based Paint Mode (standard)
K & L Paint Mode (standard)
Bulk Sample Mode (optional)
Thin Sample Mode, including Dust Wipe Mode, 37mm Filter
Mode (optional)
Thin Sample Mode (user defined) (optional)
Consumer Goods Mode (optional)
Data Storage
Internal ~6000 readings + spectra
Data Entry
Three methods for user data entry:
Virtual touch-screen keyboard
User-programmable pull-down lists
Integrated barcode reader
Data Transfer
RS-232 serial cable or optional Bluetooth™ wireless
Niton Data Transfer (NDT©) PC software utility easily exports
data for use in common PC applications and provides data
encryption QA/QC documentation
Standard Accessories
Shielded belt holster
Locking shielded waterproof carrying case
110/220 VAC charger/adapter
Spare lithium-ion battery pack with holster
RS-232 PC data transfer cable
NIST-traceable Lead Paint Standards
Optional Accessories
Portable test stand
Check/verification standards per additional mode
Bluetooth wireless communication
Wireless printers and portable GPS
Password-protected user security
Varies by region. Contact your local distributor
Thermo Scientific Niton XLp 300 Series Specifications
Product Specifications
NC 3-201 03/2010
©2010 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Bluetooth is a trademark of SIG, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inc. and its subsidiaries. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales
representative for details.
Billerica, MA USA
+1 978 670 7460
Europe, Middle East, Africa
and South Asia
Munich, Germany
+49 89 3681 380
Central, Hong Kong
+852 2869 6669
Industrial lead paint measurement for site assessment and worker protection.
XRF Analyzers