Atec Thermo-Neslab-CFT-300 User Manual
Neslab cft-300 recirculating chiller

An economical, easy-to-use
industrial chiller
The industrial NESLAB CFT-300 unit offers
high cooling capacities at an affordable
price. The chiller features an easy-to-
operate digital controller, bright LED
readout, and pressure gauge for fluid
systems diagnostics at a glance.
Reliable, stand-alone operation
The unit’s air-cooled condenser promotes
reliable, stand-alone operation, while the
quick release grill allows for easy condenser
Match your cooling water requirements
Choose between two pumps to meet your
cooling water requirements: the standard
PD-2 and the optional CP-55.
A n a l y ze
Me a s u re
C o n t ro l
Economical NESLAB CFT-300
recirculating chiller is ideal for
removing large amounts of heat
from a variety of applications.
NESLAB CFT-300 Recirculating Chiller
Delivers a continuous supply of cooling
capacity up to 10,650 watts
Typical applications for the CFT-300 unit:
Analytical Instrumentation
Process Cooling for Industrial
Semiconductor Tools
CFT 300 DataSheet 4/26/06 7:38 PM Page 1