Atec Teseq-MFO-6502 User Manual
Automatic power line frequency magnetic field, Mfo 6502

A d v a n c e d Te s t S o l u t i o n s f o r E M C
Sine wave signal generator
Power supply
ampli er
Modula peripheral controller PC 6501
Range low/high
Plug X1 – System cable IN
25 way sub D - male
Plug X2 – System cable OUT
25 way sub D - female
System cable to Modula system
Termination with Modula interlock plug
Electronic devices containing components sensitive to magnetic elds need to be tested for immunity
to electromagnetic elds. Product standards de ne the applicability of such tests and specify the eld
strength. The basic standard IEC/EN 61000-4-8 describes the test methods for magnetic elds with
powerline frequencies.
The MFO 6502 is an auxiliary device for the Modula system and provides fully automatic power line
magnetic eld tests. It is connected via the system cable to the Modula system and is fully embedded
in the con guration management, the software control and the report mechanism.
The unit consists of a programmable low impedance power ampli er boxed in a sturdy aluminum housing
tted with convenient handles. It is used to drive magnetic loop antennas type INA 702 or INA 701. Other
magnetic loops with similar speci cations and known antenna factors may be used instead.
The resulting magnetic elds depend on the antenna used. 50 and 60 Hz magnetic elds up to 40 A/m
can be generated with the antenna INA 702.
The use of a power ampli er provides the advantage of reduced size and weight and allows for 50 and
60 Hz testing irrespective of the local power network.
All the required parameters to run an automatically controlled test can be set either by the Modula
handheld controller or by means of WinModula software from PC. Once the individual antenna factor
has been entered, the system calculates the necessary drive parameters to achieve the set eld strength
at the antenna loop.
The WinModula test library has been extended to cover the IEC/EN 61000-4-8 tests as well as the power
frequency magnetic eld tests speci ed by the generic standards and a considerable number of product
Block diagram
Integrated function unit to
Modula system
Magnetic field test with 50 or 60
Hz up to 40 A/m
Complies with IEC/EN 61000-4-8
MFO 6502