Atec T-R-50A-3PH User Manual

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Main Output

The main output on the unit has two taps, allowing the selection

of output voltages up to 18V and output currents up to 50A.

Range Continuous 5 minutes 1 minute

3.5V 16A 32A 50A

18V 4A 8A 12A

The above intermittent on times must be followed by an off time

of 15 minutes, and are based on an ambient temperature of



The output is metered by a digital true RMS system with a

memory ammeter - whenever the timer stops and the output is

switched off, the current reading is held on the display. The

currents for each phase are displayed simultaneously.

Range Resolution Trip current Accuracy

5.000A 0.001A 5.25A ±0.6%rdg+5d

20.00A 0.01A 21A ±0.6%rdg+5d

50.00A 0.01A 52.5A ±0.6%rdg+5d

A current trip is automatically set to 105% of full scale of the

current metering range to protect the device under test.

Auxiliary Metering Inputs

An auxiliary metering input is provided which is able to measure

RMS voltage or current. In addition the frequency of the external

input may be measured, and the phase measured between any

of the phase outputs and the auxiliary metering input.

Setting Range Resolution Accuracy

Volts ac 270.0V 0.1V ±0.7%rdg+5d

Amps ac 5.000A 1mA ±0.7%rdg+5d

Phase ±180° 0.1° ±3°

Frequency 20-1000Hz 0.1Hz ±0.2%rdg+1d

The current input is protected by a F6.3A fuse.

Auxiliary Output

A single phase isolated 110Vac 300mA/220Vac 150mA auxiliary

output is provided on the 50A-3PH.

Lead Set Specifications

The 50A-3PH is supplied with a lead set in a plastic case including:

6 x 3m 4mm


output leads terminated in 4mm plugs.

2x3m, 2x0.5m 2.5mm


auxiliary leads terminated in 4mm plugs

Supply Requirements

The supply voltage requirements for the unit must be specified at

the time of ordering. The unit is available for operation from

either a 400V 4 wire 3p supply or 220V 3 wire 3p supply. The

optional delta-star supply transformer allows the 400V unit to

operate from other supply voltages.

Supply option 1: 400V-10%+14% 50/60Hz 3ph 1000VA

Supply option 2: 220V-6%+14% 50/60Hz 3ph 1000VA

RS232 and T&R Link

An RS232 port is provided to allow connection of a printer or PC

and the T&R link output provides a phase lock reference for a

DVS3 phase-shifting voltage source.

Timing System





Accuracy 0.01%rdg+2d (+4d current operated mode)

The contact circuit has an open circuit voltage of 24Vdc and a

short circuit current of 20mA. Each contact circuit will auto-

select for normally open or normally closed contacts. A DC

voltage of 24-240Vdc may also be used to trigger either timer

channel. The output is automatically switched off at the end of

the test to safeguard the relay under test.

The following functions are provided:

Mode Timer Start Timer Stop

Internal start Press ‘ON’ Contact 1

Single contact Contact 1 Contact 1

Dual contact Contact 1 Contact 2

Current operated Current > 10% Current < 10%

of range of range

Pulse mode is used for setting the current level in devices

sensitive to heating, and allows current to be injected for 600ms

and the current recorded.

Current operated mode operates on one output phase


Protection and Safety

The unit is protected by electronic over current and duty cycle

trips on the outputs, thermal monitoring on the power

components, and fuses on the input and regulator. An earth

terminal is provided for connection to a local earth. The unit is

designed to comply with BSEN61010, and is CE marked.

Temperature Range

Storage -20°C to 60°C Operating 0°C to 45°C

Dimensions Weight

380mm x 314mm x 221mm 21kg

Including handle and corner protectors


Operating manual, output lead set, mains lead, spare fuse set

Optional Accessories

Delta-Star supply transformer, filter unit, printer, ADMlog

Windows PC software.

Optional Delta-Star Supply Transformer

The optional delta-star supply transformer allows operation from

115V, 230V, 400V, and 440V 3 wire supplies, is selected by a

switch on the unit. An auxiliary single phase output is also

provided to supply power to a DVS3

voltage source.

Input: 115V, 230V, 400V,
440V ±10% 3 wire

3 phase 1500VA max



output: 400V 4 wire 600VA

1 min on/15 min off



output: 230V 300VA

5 min on/15 min off

50A-3PH Specification

Note: Due to the company’s continuous research programme, the information above may change at any time without prior notificatio n. Please check that you have the most recent data on the product.

T&R Test Equipment Ltd, 15-16 Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1BJ, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1483 207428 Fax: +44 (0)1483 511229 email: [email protected]

50A-3PH Data sheet rev 6 19/9/05