Vitrek v7x series performance specifications – Atec Vitrek-V7x Series User Manual

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Vitrek V7X Series Performance Specifications

AC Hipot

Output Voltage

10 to 5000V 50 or 60 Hz
Accuracy : 1.4% of setting +0.1% Full Scale, No load to full load

Resolution : 1V at all levels

Max load current : 20mArms

Leakage Current

Min/Max Limits during dwell of none, or up to 20mArms
Accuracy : 1.5% of reading +5uA

Resolution : 1uA

DC Hipot

Output Voltage

20 to 5000V test voltage
Accuracy : 1.4% of setting+0.1% Full Scale, No load to full load

Resolution : 1V at all levels

Max load current : 10mA

Leakage Current

Accuracy : 1.5%+1uA

Resolution : 0.1uA

IR - Insulation Resistance

Test Voltage

20 to 5000VDC
Accuracy : 5%+5V No load to full load
Resolution : 1V at all levels

Max Charge Current: 5mA automatic

Max Capacitive Load: 2uF


Max IR: 450Gigohm (90MΩ per volt)

Min IR: 150KΩ

Accuracy : 2% (rdg <5% of max IR), 5% (< 15% of max IR), 10% (< 30% of max IR), 20% (above
30% of max IR)
Max Resolution : 0.1% of value
Min/Max Limits : Defined for each step, max may be set to none

Test Completion

Stop on Time: Determination on final reading

Stop on Pass: Test terminates with PASS for any reading within limits

Stop on Fail: Test terminates with FAIL for any reading outside limits

Stop on Steady: Test terminates with PASS for any reading within limits which is

Low Resistance


Range: 0ohm to 60Kohm
Accuracy : 1.4 %+0.02Ω (<10Ω), 3%+1ohm (<1KΩ), 10 % above 1KΩ
Resolution : Down to 0.001Ω

Min/Max Limits : Defined for each step, each may be set to none

Test Method

2 terminal measurement , 10.5mA max, 4.15V max

Resistance Offset Test leads/fixture measurement offset may be universally applied

Ground Bond

Test Current

1 to 30Arms (42A pk), 50/60Hz