Atec Tektronix-DMA120-DMA121 User Manual

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Adaptive Equalizer Display
This display indicates
linear impairments such as
poor frequency response and
reflections. Tap values show
how hard the equalizer is
working to compensate for
impairments. The display
includes a bar graph which
compares the values of the
different taps against a DVB
template. Bars approaching
or exceeding the template
value indicate that there is
noticeable system impair-
ment detected at the test

New Measurement Technology
That’s Easy-to-Use
Using the DMA120 Series is
easy. Most measurement
functions are no more than
two menus deep. Navigation
through menus is straight for-
ward and there’s a MENU key
on the front panel that
instantly gets the user to the
instrument’s Main Menu
screen. Universal set up

parameters are part of a Set
Up screen. Measurement spe-
cific set up parameters are
part of the individual mea-
surement screens.
Digital transmission is new to
most cable TV system techni-
cians and so are measure-
ments to verify performance.
Technicians may not under-
stand exactly how these mea-
surements function or how to
interpret measurement
results. However, measure-
ments are still required to
continue system installation
and maintenance activities.
The DMA120 Series helps
technicians to continue work-
ing by providing measure-
ment pass/fail indicators. The
system engineer or chief tech-
nician can determine the
measurement-result thresh-
old values. This enables the
technician to continue work-
ing if measurements are pass-
ing or follow an Engineering
directive if failures are
encountered. Pass/fail indica-
tors are available for: MER,
RF Signal Level, Adjacent
Channel Level, Channel
Power-to-Noise, Severely
Errored Seconds (BER mode).
Status indicators also help
clarify measurement condi-
tions: the DMA120 Series
notes if it’s locking to the
incoming QAM signal and
also if it’s locking to the R-S
decoder output. The actual
received symbol rate is also

Operating Convenience
The DMA120 Series uses a
moisture– and dust-proof
keypad. It uses a high-resolu-
tion LCD display with back-
light. Contrast controls are
conveniently located on the
front panel.
The DMA120 Series includes
many capabilities designed to
simplify the job of digital
plant installation and mainte-
nance. Ancillary enhance-
ments include:
• Print screen: Any measure-

ment or display mode
screen can be directly
printed via RS-232 inter-

• Up to 30 constellations or

100 other measurement
results can be stored in
internal memory with real-
time clock/date stamp,
measurement site name,
operator name, and ambi-
ent temperature

• User-changeable input

adapter (type F or BNC
– optional accessory)

• PC Card (PCMCIA) input

for 2 and 20 Megabyte
memory cards to store
additional measurement
results and/or system chan-
nel tables

• User-changeable, NiMH

battery to extend the oper-
ating day; battery capacity
indicator; user-selectable
automatic power down

Figure 5. Constellation Box Evaluate mode.