Atec Tektronix-TOP130-140-160-200-220-300-400 User Manual
Atec Equipment

Features & Benefits
Dual Wavelength (850 nm and
1300 nm)
Excellent Long-term Stability
Stabilized Calibrated Output
Hermetically Sealed Laser
Diode for Longevity
Selectable Modulation
(270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz)
Relative dB Mode for Direct
Attenuation and Insertion Loss
0.01 dB Resolution
Measures Outputs as High as
+27 dBm
980 to 1550 nm
>100 Hours Battery Life
High Brightness
Universal Connector Interface
Fiber Tracing
Solid State Substitute for HeNe
– MOD: Continuous Light for
Fiber ID, 3 Per-second Cycle
for Modulation
– CW: Blinking Light for Fiber
Ideal for Testing System
Passive Device – No Power
Adjustable Attenuation
System Loss Measurements
Optical Troubleshooting
Fault Location
Optical Links
O p t i c a l S o u r c e s / P o w e r M e t e r / A t t e n u a t o r
TOP130 • TOP140 • TOP160 • TOP200 • TOP220 • TOP300 • TOP400
TOP130 Optical LED
Selectable output – CW or Modulate
Three modulation frequencies – 270 Hz, 1 kHz,
2 kHz
>20 hours battery life
Universal (SOC) interface
The Tektronix TOP130 Optical LED Source is a
small, rugged LED source designed for use in
installing, maintaining and researching LAN, FDDI
and other fiber optic links.
This multimode instrument provides two calibrated
outputs – at 850 nm and 1300 nm. Providing both
CW and modulated outputs, the user can set the
modulation frequency to match the frequency
signatures required by fiber identifiers and signal
tracers (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz). The TOP130 comes
with a choice of adapters; two selected adapters
will be provided. (Laser class 1)
TOP140/TOP160 Optical
Laser Sources
Universal connector interface (UCI)
>80 hours battery life (>50 Hours TOP160)
The TOP140 and TOP160 Optical Laser Sources
answer the need for small, rugged and truly
versatile laser sources for use in installation,
maintenance and testing of fiber optic systems.
These laser sources cover the most used single-
mode transmission windows – 1310 nm and
1550 nm. The TOP140 and TOP160 provide both
CW and modulated output modes. In CW mode
these instruments feature extremely stable output
power. In the modulated mode the frequency may
be set to 270 Hz, 1 kHz or 2 kHz.
All laser sources feature the Universal Connector
Interface which adapts to all standard fiber
optic connectors via a complete line of simple,
screw-on/screw-off UCI adapters. (Laser class 1)
Cable Test Products
Optical Sources/Power Meters