Atec JDSU_DSAM-900B User Manual

Page 2

background image

Downstream spectrum (forward scan)
Frequency Range

40 to 1000 MHz

Sweep rate

Less than 2.5 seconds

Display scaling and range

5 and 10 dB/division; 6 vertical divisions

Resolution bandwidth

280 kHz


1 ms


50MHz or 10MHz zoom



–35 to 60 dBmV (typical)

Modulation type

64 and 256 QAM

Zoom capability


Return QAM Generator (Option)
Frequency Range

Models ending in B: 5 to 55 MHz

Signal Level Range

8 to 58 dBmV

Signal Modulation

CW or 16 QAM

Symbol Rates (Msps)

1.28, 2.56, 3.84, 5.12

(1) Total integrated power, detectable range
(2) Accuracy for levels between –20 to 55 dBmV
Additional uncertainty ±0.5 dB across –20°C to 50°C
Additional uncertainty ±1.0 dB from 4 MHz to 15 MHz
(3) Total integrated power, At 64 QAM
(4)DSAM-900B with Deep Interleave can support up to (I,J) = (128, 4)
interleave for ITU-T J.83 Annex B
(5) Accuracy and behavior from 100 MHz to 1000 MHz for
levels between –5 to 50 dBmV (typical)
(6) The sum of the Internal, External and Probe Losses and
the Telemetry level must be greater than or equal to 10.0 and
less than or equal to 55.0