Atec IFI-ST81-50 User Manual
Atec Equipment

Instruments for Industry
903 South Second Street
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Phone 631 467-8400
Fax 631 467-8558
The TWT Amplifier (TWTA) monitors and transfers the power supply operating voltages and
currents to a Front Panel Display. This aids the user in troubleshooting in the event of a failure.
The TWTA indicates on the display where the fault has occurred.
Complete TWT Protection
Safety Requirement of IEC-348
VSWR Reflected Power Protection
Cathode (Beam) Overcurrent Protection
Helix Overcurrent Protection
TWT Overtemperature
Air Flow Fault Protection
+/-Grid Undervoltage Protection (if applicable)
Solid State Power Supply for Increased Reliability
Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Power On/Off
Standby/Operate (Standby/RF On) (RF On/Operate)
Fault Reset
Air-cooled (Integrated Forced Air – self-contained)
Modulation, AM, FM & PULSE
IEEE 488 GPIB Remote Control
RF Door Safety Interlock
Self-diagnostic Circuitry
Filament/Beam Elapsed Time Metering
Front Panel LCD Back-lit Display
Collector Current
Grid Voltage (if applicable)
Collector Voltage
Cathode Voltage
Helix Current
Forward/Reflected Power Indication
Filament Hours
Beam Hours