Atec Monroe-244A User Manual
244a, Isoprobe, Electrostatic voltmeter

Electrostatic Voltmeter
±3kV Range
Measurement Without Physical
Accuracy Better Than 0.1% at Almost
any Probe-to-Surface Spacing
Full Complement of State-of-the-art
High Ferquency Probes
Provision for Master/Slave Operation
High performance with a proven
track record
Manufactured with the same care and attention
that have made Monroe ISOPROBE® Electrostatic
Voltmeters the industry standard, the Model 244A
measures surface potential of insulating,
semiconductive or conductive materials on a small
0.04” (1mm) diameter spot or over a large area using
patented techniques which assure high-accuracy
drift-free measurements almost independent of probe/
surface separation.
The fifth generation from the first
name in non-contact
Model 244A takes advantage of Monroe’s years of
experience in design of reliable instruments for NON-
CONTACTING measurement of electrostatic potential
combined with modern semiconductor technology. A
full spectrum of proven-design interchangeable probes
exposes broad new areas for exploratory research as
well as providing a precision instrument for routine
applications in electrostatic measurements. Some
typical and potential applications include:
Electrophotographic and Xerographic
IC Manufacruring and Handling
Radiation Effects on Insulators and
Electret Research
Static Electrification, Electric Field
Process Monitoring and Control
Uses 1017A Series Probes:
Monroe Electronics Type 1017AE (end-viewing) or
1017AS (side-viewing) (probes are 0.35” [9mm] x 0.35”
[9mm] x 2.85” [72.5mm] in length. Add 0.8” [20mm]
length for cable at minimum bend radius.) Contains
1kHz tuning fork chopping driver and onboard hybrid
microcircuit preamp. Useable from -50°C to +80°C.
Optional probe configurations are available for high or
low resolution and transparent probes for light decay
measurements. Length of probe cable is 10 ft. (3.0
meters). Provision has been made for air or inert gas
purging of probe. Unit is calibrated independent of
probe and includes certificate of NIST traceability.
Interchangeable Model 1017A probe (type specified by
customer) is sold separately. See Model 1017data
sheet for more details and options.