Merlin – Atec Simplex-Merlin User Manual

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100KW - 400KW Load Bank • Page 2

Simplex, Inc.
5300 Rising Moon Road
Springfi eld, IL 62711-6228

Fax 217-483-1616

© 2012 Simplex, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Printed in the USA • 1103-03.01
Design subject to change without notice.

Powr-Web Resistive Load


Simplex Load Banks utilize the “Powr-

Web” Load Element (a UL Recognized

Component). The “Powr-Web” is an

advanced design, air-cooled power

resistor specifi cally designed for

application to load bank systems. The

“Powr-Web” is conservatively operated

at half the maximum temperature rating

of the alloy and features a short-circuit-

safe design based on continuous

mechanical support of the resistor by

high temperature, ceramic clad stainless

steel rods.


• Precision calibrated to specifi c ohmic


• All load elements are continuously

supported by vibration resistant,

ceramic clad, stainless steel through-


Specifi cations

• Alloy: FeCrAl
• Maximum continuous temperature

rating: 1920°F

• Maximum operating temperature as

applied in Load Bank: 1080° F

• Cool down time from operating to

ambient temperature is 10 seconds.

Branch Circuit Fuse

The load of a resistive load bank

consists of a dense array of open,

uninsulated power resistors mounted

within a cooling air stream. Since

the elements are electrically live, it is

possible for a foreign object to penetrate

the element array and create a short

circuit of adjacent elements or a short to

ground. Since the elements are densely

packed, it is possible for a short circuit,

once started, to rapidly propagate

through the entire element array. As

a load bank represents a relatively

large amount of power concentrated

within a relatively small volume, a self-

propagating, cascading short circuit

would have catastrophic results.

Simplex virtually eliminates the

dangers of short circuit through the

use of branch circuit fuse protection of

the load elements. Per NEC 110-10,

protective devices shall clear a fault

without “extensive damage” to the circuit

components. A Simplex Load Bank is

divided into branch circuits of not more

than 50 KW each.