Atec Montena-POGCS116-F User Manual
Cs116 damped sinusoidal generator

montena technology - 1728 Rossens - Switzerland - phone + 41 26 411 84 84 - fax + 41 26 411 17 79 e-mail: [email protected]
CS116 Damped Sinusoidal Generator
This test generator is designed to comply with the requirements of the MIL-STD 461 CS116.
The test method CS116 is used to verify the ability of the EUT to withstand sinusoidal excitation
on interconnecting cables. The pulse generator can be ordered with all the accessories in order
to build the full test set-up, consisting basically of an injection probe, an attenuator and an
oscilloscope. In addition to the basic requirements of the standard CS116, the number of
discrete frequencies is increased to 9 or 17 instead of 6. This allows a better excitation of the
resonances of the equipment under test. This generator has only one output and does not
require any change of connexion during the test. That feature greatly reduces the test duration.
The generator can be fully controlled by a computer through a RS232 or USB interface.
10, 100 kHz
1, 10, 30, 100 MHz
10, 30, 100, 300 kHz
1, 3, 10, 30, 100 MHz
10, 18, 30, 56, 100,
180, 300, 560 kHz
1, 1.8, 3, 5.6, 10,
18, 30, 56, 100 MHz
MIL-STD 461 D / E / F CS116
Output current
10 A on 100 ohm (depends on the frequency)
Output impedance
< 100 ohm
Damping factor
15 +/- 5
Repetition rates
single, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz
Power rating
210 - 250 V
/ 50 - 60 Hz / 35 W / 75 VA
Generator weight
21 - 23 kg
53 x 53 x 45 cm (L x W x H)
Other versions and other frequencies are available on request.