Atec Gauss-TDEMI40G User Manual
Tdemi 40g

- 162.5 MHz full real-time analysis
bandwidth up to 40 GHz
- Measurement according to MIL and
DO standards starting from 10 Hz
- 4000x faster than conventional EMI
The TDEMI 40G system covers the frequency range 10 Hz
to 40 GHz in its standard configuration and is ready for
measurements in civil applications and especially for test-
ing in military applications and also avionics. All IF band-
widths according to MIL461 and DO160 are available in
the preselected spectrogram mode of the instrument
also. The fully gapless real-time analysis bandwidth of
162.5 MHz of the spectrogram mode up to 40 GHz makes
the TDEMI 40G unique in the instrumentation market and
provides an ideal tool for real-time EMC debugging up to
40 GHz. It supports the user in detecting, localizing, ob-
serving and analyzing emissions and in finding solutions
for reduction EMI of components and systems for military
and avionic industry.
The receiver mode of the TDEMI 40G system can be used
for full compliance EMC tests according to CISPR, MIL461
and DO160 standard. The huge computation power of
the digital signal processing unit of the TDEMI allows to
reduce test time up to a factor of 4000 in comparison to
traditional superheterodyn based receivers. A fast meas-
urement at all frequencies and with higher frequency se-
lectivities at the same time can be performed yielding in
a reduced measurement uncertainty.
Especially in the lower frequency range up to several
hundred MHz a large number of frequency points have to
be measured. The parallel digital implementation of sev-
eral thousand receivers using the short-term fast Fourier
transform (STFFT) allows the TDEMI to reduce the over-
all testing time significantly. Especially for longer dwell
times the scan time remains very short compared to su-
perheterodyne EMI receivers and right after the results
are measured at all frequencies all the data can be stored
and documented. Thus, it is easily possible to reduce the
measurement uncertainty even further by increasing the
dwell time, which means a longer observation time at
each frequency point. But not only broadband, also sin-
gle frequencies can be measured in the same way. For a
higher sensitivity in the upper frequency range the in-
strument comes with a broadband preselected low noise
amplifier already integrated in its standard configuration.
Fig. 32 – Measurement of a switched power supply according to DO160.
Measured emissions above limit line for peak detector in band B.