Atec Gauss-TDEMI6G User Manual
Tdemi 6g

- 4000x faster than conventional EMI
- Measurement according to EN55022
- Analysis of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
The TDEMI 6G covers the complete frequency range from
9 kHz to 6 GHz and is especially designed for the measure-
ment of multimedia equipment, IT equipment, consumer
electronics and devices for telecom applications. By the
spread use of electronic systems and wireless communica-
tion systems the spectrum up to 6 GHz is more and more
dense occupied by various services. Thus it is getting more
and more important to reduce the overall testing time dur-
ing EMC measurements for product certification as well
as product development. As EMC tests are critical during
the early design phase of a product fast and reliable test-
ing is mandatory to save money and to make later prod-
uct changes obsolet. By the weighted spectrogram mode,
which is real-time displaying the emission over time, an
excellent tool is provided for detection of potential EMI
sources and investigations of EMI reduction methods.
The weighted spectrogram mode is available in all TDEMI
Measurement Systems and allows to measure and record
frequency bands up to 162.5 MHz in a fully gapless man-
ner. For evaluation peak, average and rms detectors are
available. This tool provides a novel method to investigate
instationary and intermitting signals.
The pioneering technology of the TDEMI and the achieved
reduction of test times up to a factor of 4000 makes the re-
ceiver mode of the TDEMI most suitable for extremely fast
measurements with excellent accuracy. The test results can
be used for preinvestigations as well as for full compliance
measurements. With the optional report generator test
protocols can be generated automatically. The measure-
ment results can be evaluated according to the appropri-
ate standard, e.g. CISPR 16-2-1 and CISPR 16-2-2.
The noise floor above 1.15 GHz is typically below 3 dBµV (1
MHz IF bandwidth, average detector) which is lower than
the noise floor of a state-of-the-art superheterodyne EMI
receiver. By an optional low-noise amplifier the noise floor
can be further reduced. The TDEMI uses an auto attenua-
tor in order to set up the optimum attenuation. Further an
overload indication comes with the TDEMI instrument.
Fig. 27 – Measurement of Wi-Fi activity around 2.4 GHz. Lower part
shows the changes of the emissions over the last 10 s recorded by the