Atec Fluke-OneTouch User Manual

Page 3

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Wired analysis

Automatically discovers copper and fiber-connected devices and key device proper-
ties. Sort by properties to obtain multiple views into the wired network. Select from
among thirteen different sorts. For example, sort by IPv4 or IPv6 address to identify
used and available addresses. Or sort by switch name/slot/port to understand where
on the network devices are connected. Sort by discovered problems to quickly identify
potential issues. Additional discovery-assisted analysis tools aid with troubleshooting
and profile creation.

Wi-Fi analysis

Automatically discovers Wi-Fi devices and key device properties. Sort by properties to
obtain multiple views into the wireless network. Select from among seventeen con-
text-relative sorts. For example, sort by signal strength to troubleshoot Wi-Fi coverage
issues. Sort by MAC manufacturer to discover Wi-Fi devices by type and to understand
how they are connected relative to SSID, AP and channel. Sort by channel to identify
channel spacing problems. Sort by authorization status to find potential security
violations. Additional discovery-assisted analysis tools aid with troubleshooting and
security enforcement.

Network service and application testing

Determine if a network service or server-based application is the root cause of a
reported problem by measuring availability and responsiveness. Choose the perfor-
mance test appropriate for your service or application: ping (ICMP), connect (TCP),
web (HTTP), file (FTP), multicast (IGMP), video (RTSP) or email (SMTP). Touch the
icon on the home page to get a detailed breakdown of application performance
including DNS lookup time, server response time and data rate. The measurements are
presented side-by-side for easy wired/Wi-Fi and IPv4/IPv6 performance comparisons.
A few examples: ping your WLAN controller, connect to port 2000 on your VoIP call
manager, download a page of an application with a web interface, upload or download
a file from a server, subscribe to a multicast group, access video content from an
on-demand streaming video server or email a text message to your mobile phone.

Test local and cloud-based services

Understand the performance of network services and server-based applications hosted
locally in the datacenter, on a corporate intranet server or on a server reached via
the public internet. Organize the tests by location by placing the test icon within
the appropriate tier on the OneTouch AT home page. Measure service levels to the
different tiers to spot problems.

Become a troubleshooting expert

Use the intuitive touch interface to create test profiles, or test scripts, tailored to
your network, services, and applications. Create simple profiles with only a few
tests or advanced profiles consisting of dozens of tests. You can build profiles to
accommodate different types of users, devices, locations or technologies. Once
created, profiles can be saved for quick and easy reuse later. Create a library of
standardized profiles to elevate the troubleshooting know-how of network support
staff and to establish best practices for faster, more productive troubleshooting.

Figure 4. Detailed breakdown of network service and
application performance

Figure 3. Visibility into Wi-Fi networks, access points,
clients and channels