Atec Fluke-FTK400 User Manual
Atec Equipment

Technical Data
S i m p l i F i b e r
O p t i c a l L o s s Te s t K i t s
C o m p l e t e k i t s f o r t e s t i n g a n d t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g f i b e r l i n k s
Enhance your vision into fiber link verification and troubleshooting
with SimpliFiber Optical Loss Test Kits.
Today’s high bandwidth premise networks
heavily rely on fiber optic infrastructure.
Proper installation and maintenance of
fiber cabling is imperative for minimiz-
ing costly network downtime. SimpliFiber
Optical Loss Test Kits from Fluke Networks
provide you with all the tools you need
to help you verify proper installation and
maintain fiber optic cabling systems.
These kits provide simple and effective
tools that provide you the capability to
measure loss and power levels, locate
faults and polarity issues, and inspect
connector endfaces.
Fluke Networks’ SimpliFiber
Optical Loss Test Kits:
Verify loss and power levels for
both singlemode and multimode
fiber links
Ensure smooth, clean fiber
connector endfaces
Locate cable faults, connector
problems and polarity issues
Count on tools that are field-
tough and user-friendly
Convenient carrying case provides
protection and easy transport
Ensure you have the tools you
need when you need them
Four kit combinations to meet
your fiber testing needs and
Verify optical loss and
power levels
SimpliFiber Power Meter is calibrated for
accuracy at 850 nm, 1300 nm, 1310 nm and
1550 nm. The meter features the ability
to save a reference power level, allowing a
direct display of fiber loss. It has an intui-
tive four-button panel, a large LCD display
screen and a serial port to upload test
results to a PC running LinkWare. SimpliFiber
Sources include a dual wavelength SimpliFiber
850/1300 nm Source and separate 1310 nm
and 1550 nm SimpliFiber Source. The 1310
Source features a 1310 nm laser.
Ensure smooth, clean fiber
Inspect the ends of fiber optic connectors
with Fluke Networks’ handheld Fiber Viewer
microscopes. Fiber Viewers ensure your
termination is smooth, clean and ready for
optical transmission. The FT120 200x Fiber
Viewer is used to inspect multimode fiber
end-faces. For singlemode installation, use
the FT140 Fiber Viewer with 400X magnifica-
tion. Both Fiber Viewers contain a special
safety filter to minimize risk of eye exposure
to harmful infrared rays.
Verify and locate faults
Diagnose and repair simple fiber link
problems with Fluke Networks’ VisiFault™
Visual Fault Locator (VFL). The laser-powered
VisiFault locates fibers, verifies continuity
and polarity, and helps find breaks in cables,
connectors and splices. Continuous and
flashing modes make for easier identification.
Compatible with 2.5mm and 1.25mm (with
optional adapter) connectors for easy
Qualify and troubleshoot
copper cabling
Fluke Networks’ CableIQ™ Advanced IT Kit
troubleshoots connectivity problems and
qualifies existing cabling to see if it can
support voice, 10/100, VoIP or Gigabit
Ethernet. CableIQ detects speed/duplex
settings of attached switches and PCs.
Locate and trace cables with IntelliTone™
digital Probe.
Reporting made simple
Manage test results, print professional
reports or export data into popular spread-
sheet formats. Both SimpliFiber and CableIQ
store test results in memory. SimpiFiber
stores up to 100 test results which can be
uploaded to your PC using LinkWare Software
that comes free with your SimpliFiber. For
CableIQ use the included CableIQ Reporter
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