Data post-processing: field and desktop efficiency – Atec EXFO-FTB-400 User Manual

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Universal Test system

Data Post-Processing: Field and Desktop Efficiency

ToolBox: Standard Software for the Field and Desktop

The FTB-400 Universal Test System comes with ToolBox software, which supports a wide range of EXFO fi eld-testing modules: OTDR,
MultiTest (OLTS), optical switch, OSA, PMD analyzer and chromatic dispersion (CD) analyzer, as well as SONET/SDH, Ethernet and
Fibre Channel test modules. ToolBox also comes with Power Meter Result Viewer, Batch Processor Light and data transfer functionalities.

Fast-Track Data Post-Processing with FastReporter Software

The optional FastReporter software package provides you with the post-processing tools and functionalities you need to achieve
fl exible, fully integrated data analysis, whatever the application. Designed for off-line analysis of fi eld-acquired data, FastReporter
offers a truly intuitive graphical user interface, which contributes to boosting productivity.

Powerful Batch Processing

Automate repetitive operations on large numbers of OTDR test fi les,
and optimize your productivity. Document an entire cable in a matter
of seconds. Adjust your cable parameters and detection thresholds
and perform batch analysis. Open OTDR fi les from various vendors’
equipment and convert them to the universal Telcordia format.

Bidirectional Batch Analysis

Analyze an entire cable in just two steps. View data for all events on all
fi bers, and at each wavelength, on a single screen.

Live Templating for OTDR Testing

Benefi t from one-step fi le management at any wavelength. Keep full
control by adding or removing events manually, or add/remove events
automatically using a reference. Get uniform, detailed cable reports.

Flexible Reporting

Choose from various report templates, including loss and ORL, OTDR,
PMD, CD and fi ber characterization. Generate comprehensive cable
reports in PDF, Excel or HTML format.

Bidirectionnal batch analysis.