Atec Narda-Nardalert-S3 User Manual
Nardalert s3 non-ionizing radiation monitor, Personal and area monitors

Safety Test Solutions an
communications company USA • Germany • Italy
USA TEL: (1) 631 231-1700 • FAX: (1) 631 231-1711 • E-MAIL: [email protected] •
Personal and Area Monitors
Nardalert S3
Non-Ionizing Radiation Monitor
Field Replaceable Sensor Modules
Color LCD Display
Multi-Color Alarm LED’s
USB Interface for Data and Charging
Interchangeable Lanyard or Belt Clips
Comprehensive Software Included
Standard and Optioned Models
Fiber Optic Port for Remote Monitoring
Fail-Safe Design
The professionals at Narda Safety Test Solutions have designed the next
generation of Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR) Personal and Area monitor
– the Nardalert S3. The award winning designs of the Nardalert XT and
RadMan monitors have been extended to an entirely new product that
builds on years of safety product leadership. Sensor technology has been
improved in this series by re-designing not only the sensor itself, but also
by packaging it in a field replaceable package that contains all the elec-
tronic data necessary to maintain calibrated operation. This new feature
allows your S3 to stay in service without costly logistics to keep multiple
units calibrated – a major advantage for any NIR Safety Program. Your
new Nardalert S3 will always be capable of supporting new standards or
guidance’s and even different fields or frequencies, allowing future ex-
pandability and extending longevity.
LCD Display
Alarm events are always evident with visual LED’s combined with vibra-
tion and audible notifications. However, to provide the user more accurate
information than just simple alarms we’ve incorporated a top mounted
LCD. The LCD simplifies operation, showing key data at start-up such as
battery state and sensor information that the operator needs. With RF/
microwave sensors attached, the display indicates to the user the bands
(<> 1 GHz) that are being detected. Optioned units use the display to pro-
vide even more information such as exposure history, logged data, alarm
indications and more.
Patent Pending