Atec Chroma-2225 User Manual
Page 2
One-Pixel Video Performance
The instrument offers video output with pixel rate up
to 250 MHz, horizontal scan up to 250 KHz, and vertical
scan rate up to 1KHz for high resolution monitor
application. All horizontal and vertical timing parameters
are fully programmable in one-pixel resolution.
Excellent Graphic Display
The user has instant access to generate the most
sophisticated color graphic display with 256 colors
selection on very pixel of a 4096
2048 display monitor.
Also, the user can use memory card to show natural
picture for checking total balance of color.
Easy to Set Up Timing & Pattern Formats
The instrument uses simple
question and answer query to guide
the user in setting up all timing and
pattern parameters. Preformatted and
fully programmable ICON patterns,
such as Circle, Line, Cross Hatch,
Rectangle, Dot, Marker, Character,
String, ColorBar, Gray Scale, make it
very easy for the user to create any
test patterns. Also, real-time error
message is displayed to help identify
invalid formats.
Versatile Operation
The instrument is very easy to operate by nature of
the powerful built-in software utility. All video timing,
pattern, and control functions can be set by the
instrument front panel keypad, or from the remote
controller via RS232C interface.
Over Range Pixel Rate Simulation
The instrument automatically scales down the pixel
rate and maintain the same H/V frequencies when an
over range pixel rate is entered.This unique function
allows the instrument to operate with any display monitor
up to 480MHz pixel frequency.
16 Gray Scale
RGB Delay
16 Color Bars
Linearity Check
Linearity Check (For ATE use)
H.V. Regulation
M.E. Character
Chinese Character
Natural Picture
Video Centering
Video Size
General Alignment
Convergence (R+B)
Memory Card
For storage memory expansion
Icon Key
For icon type selection
R, G, B, Key
On/Off control of red, green,
blue signal
Program Key
For auto test program
Output Key
Video output enable
Enter Key
Power Switch
Reverse Key
Reverse pattern control
Store Key
Save timing, pattern, icon
format into NVRAM
AC Power Input
Frame Ground
Analog Signal Output
R, G, B
Analog Sync Output
16 Bits TTL Control Port and
Front Panel Remote control
RS232C Interface
TTL Output
LCD Display + Backlight
Timing Key
General video timing parameter
Alphanumeric Key
For data Input
Search Key
Scroll through all available
timing, pattern, icon formats in
the memory
Pattern Key
Pattern data editing
Sync Key
Sync signal on/off control & type
Config Key
General information setting &
run self diagnostic routine
Cooling Fan
Solutions for Testing High Resolution Monitors
Precise, Easy Operation, FA Interface....
Flexible Output Control
Programmable test loop allows the user to switch
timing/pattern combination output to the monitor in an
automatic sequencing mode or in a manual control mode
using one key operation.
Also, the user has instant on/off control of individual
R, G, B or Reverse pattern using front panel one key
Additionally, the instrument has 16-bit user
programmable TTL output ports to control any external
Comprehensive Pattern & Timing Library
Standard test patterns such as SMPTE, High-Voltage
Regulation, X-Hatch, Color Delay, 256-color pattern,
Interlace Check, Dynamic Motion Pattern, etc., are built-
in a pattern library. These patterns are easily called and
displayed on the monitor screen for test or demo
Over 50 commonly recognized timing formats,
including MDA, PGA, VGA, VGA-8514, etc., are factory
installed in the instrument memory. The user can
instantly recall any of the standard timing formats most
suitable for his monitor test application.