Atec Agilent-N1996A User Manual
Page 7
Return loss, cable fault, and insertion loss
The Agilent CSA’s built-in signal source and
VSWR bridge enable a powerful range of scalar meas-
urements not commonly found in general purpose
spectrum analyzers. With the stimulus/response
measurement suite, the Agilent CSA spectrum ana-
lyzer can characterize active and passive single and
dual-port devices such as cables, filters, amplifiers,
multiplexers, antennas, and switches. Measurements
included are 1 and 2 port insertion loss, return loss,
and distance-to-fault. The combination of robust
capabilities and spectrum analysis tools can greatly
simplify and accelerate installation and mainte-
nance of complex components and systems.
Use the spectrogram to analyze the stability of a
signal over time, or to detect and identify signals
interfering with the system of interest.
The spectrogram view is essentially a time capture
of spectral activity that can be optimized to focus
on an area of interest, detailing differences in the
frequency and amplitude of spectral components as
a function of time. A common use for spectrograms
is in the identification and eradication of unwant-
ed interference in communications systems. Spectro-
grams can also monitor the stability of a circuit or
system over time, temperature, vibration, etc.