Atec Berkeley-575 User Manual
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B N C m o d e l
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B e r k e l e y N u c l e o n i c s C o r p o r a t i o n 2 9 5 5 K e r n e r B l v d S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 U . S . A
P h o n e : 8 0 0 . 2 3 4 . 7 8 5 8 F a x : 4 1 5 . 4 5 3 . 9 9 5 6 E - m a i l : i n f o @ b e r k e l e y n u c l e o n i c s . c o m
The Model 575 Digital Delay / Pulse Generator represents the latest in timing capabilities. With up to 8 outputs
configurations as varied as the applications the product serves, the Model 575 is clearly our most versatile instrument.
We have combined advanced features such as a Labview/USB interface, complex burst sequences, Divide-by-N, Setting
Profiles, Dual Triggers, Clock Divider, Pulse Picking and Negative Delay with core technology in precision timing. Our
250pS Delay & Width resolution, and 50pS inter nal jitter, allow users great confidence in setting up an experiment or
synchronizing multiple events.
Each channel has a designated enable/disable button. When individual channels are
active or enabled the buttons are illuminated. This allows for easy reference and
avoids any confusion of output operability. The run/stop indicator on the front panel
LCD display as well as an illuminated run/stop button further simplify setup.
New Features:
Illuminated Channel Enable Buttons
The Model 575 offers additional inputs and outputs for exter nal clock syncing. Specify your input / output reference
frequency (10MHz to 100MHz). Sync with the Mode Lock Oscillator of a laser, or phase
lock multiple units with one clock.
Selectable Clock Reference
The Model 575 is packed with gating options for almost any setup. You may gate with
a channel or on any input. Repeat individual channels or gate all. Gate immediately
(output inhibit) or gate after a pulse (pulse inhibit).
Flexible Gating Options
The Model 575 is packed with gating options for almost any setup. You may gate with
a channel or on any input. You may gate individual channels or gate all. Gate
immediately (output inhibit) or gate after a pulse (pulse inhibit).
Flexible Gating Options
Each channel can have individual channel rates (either To or any of the other channels..).
This is similar to having a separate clock for each output.
Individual Rates
Forgot to save your settings? The Model 575 stores your setup configurations while
powering down. Recall is automatic on power-up.
The Model 575 offers two inputs for triggering or gating. User may specify electrical or
optical input signals, and configure any trigger/gate combination. Use Trigger #2 to
disable a triggered pulse train.
Dual Input Panel Connectors
Many applications benefit from optical signals. For noisy environments, or communications applications, we offer an
LED output stage at the front panel. This modular option can be configured for 2, 4, 6 or 8 outputs at 820nm or 1300nm
Front Panel Optical