Atec ETS-Lindgren_TILE-6 User Manual
Totally Integrated Lab Environment
EMC Software
TILE! (Total Integrated Lab Environ-
) Software
is an integrated
test environment for creating and
performing Electromagnetic Com-
patibility (EMC) Tests. TILE!’s
unique visual interface offers the
necessary environment to create
test profiles, eliminating the need
for additional programming. Test
Profiles are created in a Microsoft
Windows environment with drag
and drop simplicity.
TILE! is hardware independent
with driver support for most EMC
instrumentation available today,
with options to add drivers for new
instruments in the future.
TILE! is designed to perform EMC
measurements in any test environ-
ment, from an OATS, semi- or fully
anechoic chambers, reverberation
chambers, GTEMs or any suitable
test enclosure.
An EMC test is performed by a
series of steps executed in a specific
sequence. TILE! represents each
step in the test sequence as an icon
on a screen, with the test sequence
resembling a flowchart. In TILE!,
icons are called “actions” and are
grouped in six categories: Emis-
sions, Immunity, Information,
Utility, GTEM, and Miscellaneous.
Right-clicking on an icon opens
a dialog box for customizing the
settings of that particular action.
For example, the icon for Measure
Range opens a dialog box with tabs
for Frequency, Amplitude, Data, etc.
Values related to the test can then
be specified for the settings within
each tab. Each of these steps have
been created in TILE! and a test
sequence can be generated by link-
ing necessary steps for testing to a
specific test regulation or to a user
test specification. These test se-
quences can be stored as ready-to-
use tests or “test profiles”. TILE!
is offered with a library of profiles
designed for testing to international
test regulations for radiated emis-
sions and immunity (RE, RI) and
conducted emissions and immunity
(CE, CI). These profiles produce
measurements in compliance with
test standards by the IEC, FCC,
SAE and others.
Automates EMC Testing
– Ready-to-Use Profiles for Testing to
RE, CE and RI, CI Test Regulations
– Design Custom Tests
Standards Compliant Test Capabilities
Vendor Compatibility
– 1600+ Drivers Available
– Supports GPIB, Ethernet, USB and
Serial Instrument Communications
Used in Corporate, Commercial, and
Government Test Laboratories
ETS-Lindgren’s TILE! EMC Lab Integration Software
NEW in TILE! 6
– TILE! Launcher
– Report Generator
– Simulator
Current TILE! Maintenance Support Contract required.
Please contact ETS-Lindgren for further information.