A+class, Teacher lighting control station – Alera Lighting APCS TLC User Manual
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Page 2/3 Rev. 08/04/13 H72-00434
IntegRated ContRols / A+CLASS
TeACher LighTing ConTroL STATion
Technical Installation Data
© 2013 alera lighting, a division of Hubbell lighting, Inc. Because of continuing product improvement programs, alera lighting reserves the right to change specifications
without notice. 701 Millennium Blvd. greenville, sC 29607 / tel 864.678.1000 / Website www.aleralighting.com
US Patent #8,436,542
• Whiteboard on/off – Optional. If dedicated whiteboard lighting has been installed in the classroom, the switch will turn the whiteboard
lighting on and off. For rooms with multiple whiteboards and multiple dedicated whiteboard lighting, consult wiring diagram.
3. 50' Blue CAT5 Cable
• One per Teacher Lighting Control Station
• One per Row single or ganged switch station
4. 3" Blue CAT5 Jumper Cable
• One per each jump required. Number provided will be determined by the TLC configuration the customer has ordered.
2-Gang: Gen / A/V and Study Time switch gang: 1 jumper
3-Gang: Gen / A/V, Study Time and either Whiteboard or A/V dimming: 2 jumpers
4-Gang: Gen / A/V, Manual A/V Dimming, Whiteboard and Study Time: 3 jumpers
• If multiple Teacher Lighting Control stations are used, the appropriate number of jumpers will be provided.
5. Decorator Style Switch Plate(s) for 2, 3 or 4-gang TLC stations as dictated by customer order.
6. A separate, optional Whiteboard switch may also be included for on/off control of dedicated whiteboard lighting. If this option has been
ordered, it will include 50’ of blue CAT5 cable, a separate whiteboard switch, and a single gang decorator style switch plate.
7. A+CLASS™ lighting fixtures (shipped separately)
teAcher Lighting controL (tLc) stAtion switch iDentiFicAtion
Part No.
No. of
Standard Feature
GEN: Switches General Lighting mode on, switches A/V Lighting mode off
A/V: Switches A/V Lighting mode on, switches General Lighting mode off.
Standard Feature
Overrides occupancy sensor for 60 minutes standard (time may be adjusted in
CCM programming menu). When LED is lit, STUDY TIME is engaged. When LED
light goes off, lighting defaults to Occupancy Sensor control and will turn off if
the room is unoccupied.
Optional Feature
In A/V mode ONLY, raises or lowers light level. Requires 0-10V dimming ballast
in A+CLASS lighting fixture. Does not operate whiteboard lighting.
Optional Feature
Provides on/off control for dedicated whiteboard lighting with switch installed
in the TLC.
Optional Feature
Provides on/off control for dedicated whiteboard lighting. When ordered as WI
option, the switch is not installed in the TLC and is shipped with an extra 50’
blue cable and a 1-gang switch plate.
instALLAtion instrUctions
1. Prepare the installation site, as necessary, to install the switch.
2. Plug the 50' Blue CAT5 cable into the Blue Teacher Station connector on the
Classroom Control Module (See Figure 1). Each CAT5 connection will operate
properly from any of the three available blue Teacher Station Control port. Multiple
connections are required under the following circumstances.
a. When multiple Teacher Lighting Control stations are used and each has a home
run back to the CCM.
b. When one Teacher Lighting Control station is used in conjunction with a one or
more separate whiteboard switches and each has a home run back to the CCM.
c. When two Teacher Lighting Control stations are used with one whiteboard switch
and each has a home run back to the CCM.
4. Route the Blue cable from the Classroom Control Module (CCM) to the Teacher
Lighting Control Station(s) and/or separate Whiteboard switch(es). If routing
multiple switch stations and/or multiple individual whiteboard controls, up to three
connections may be made as home run connections. Note: Low voltage wiring must
be isolated from line voltage wiring. Consult National and Local Electrical Codes for
conduit requirements.
Fig. 1