Main, A.2 watchdog sample program – AAEON TKS-P20-CV01 User Manual

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Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer A-3

A.2 WatchDog Sample Program


// WDT I/O operation relative definition (Please reference to Table 1)

#define WDTAddr 0xA00 // WDT I/O base address

Void WDTWriteByte(byte Register, byte Value);

byte WDTReadByte(byte Register);

Void WDTSetReg(byte Register, byte Bit, byte Val);

// Watch Dog relative definition (Please reference to Table 2)

#define DevReg 0x00 // Device configuration register

#define WDTRstBit 0x80 // Watchdog WDTRST# (Bit7)

#define WDTRstVal 0x80 // Enabled WDTRST#

#define TimerReg 0x05 // Timer register

#define PSWidthBit 0x00 // WDTRST# Pulse width (Bit0:1)

#define PSWidthVal 0x01 // 25ms for WDTRST# pulse

#define PolarityBit 0x02 // WDTRST# Signal polarity (Bit2)

#define PolarityVal 0x00 // Low active for WDTRST#

#define UnitBit 0x03 // Unit for timer (Bit3)

#define ModeBit 0x04 // WDTRST# mode (Bit4)

#define ModeVal 0x01 // 0:level 1: pulse

#define EnableBit 0x05 // WDT timer enable (Bit5)

#define EnableVal 0x01 // 1: enable

#define StatusBit 0x06 // WDT timer status (Bit6)

#define CounterReg 0x06 // Timer counter register






// Procedure : AaeonWDTConfig

// (byte)Timer : Counter of WDT timer.(0x00~0xFF)

// (boolean)Unit : Select time unit(0: second, 1: minute).

AaeonWDTConfig(Counter, Unit);

// Procedure : AaeonWDTEnable

// This procudure will enable the WDT counting.