Extron Electronics HRP 104 AAP User Manual

Hrp 104 aap • installation guide, Install the aaps, Mount the hrp 104 aap

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Rev. A
05 12

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HRP 104 AAP • Installation Guide

The HRP 104 AAP is a one unit high, half rack wide, mounting panel for up to four
single-space or two double-space Architectural Adapter Plates (AAPs). All AAPs must be
purchased separately. A full range of available AAPs can be found on the Extron website


Extron does not provide rails for the rack system. These must be purchased and installed
separately (see the user guide provided by the supplier). The distance between the rails
must be half the standard rack width (8.85 inches or 22.5 cm) between the inside edges of
the rail (see the figure below).

Install the AAPs

Install the AAPs in the HRP 104 AAP before the plate is mounted in the rack.


Place the AAPs in the slots and secure them to the HRP 104 AAP, using the nuts
provided with the AAP.


If necessary, fill any unused spaces with single (part number 70-090-11) or double
(part number 70-090-12) blank AAP plates.

Mount the HRP 104 AAP

Mount the HRP 104 AAP in the rack as follows:


Position the HRP 104 AAP so that the
mounting plate is level and the two holes at
each end align with holes in the rack.


Secure the mounting rack to the rails using
the four provided #10-32 screws with captive


Run cables to the front and rear panels of
the AAPs. For information about the cable
requirements of the AAP, see the user guide
for that AAP (



Connect the cables to the AAPs.


Test the AAPs to ensure they are working correctly.



1U Half Rack Panel

8.85" (22.5 cm)