Typical installation, Get to know your water heater - gas models – John Wood Envirosense Power Vent User Manual

Page 6

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tYpIcal InstallatIon

* cautIon harness has 120 vac. In operatIon.

** see “plannInG the vent sYsteM”, “condensate” and “Blower asseMBlY InstallatIon” for more


*** the side recirculation loop connections may not be used as the primary water inlet and outlet connections.

For your convenience, plugs are installed in these fittings at the factory. Remove these plugs if needed for

your specific installation. Otherwise (as with all connections) check for leaks while filling the tank with water

and after completing the installation.

fIGure 1

vacuuM relIef


*Install per

local codes

teMperature adjustMent Buttons

teMperature IndIcators


p temperature & pressure

relief valve

q rating plate

r Insulation

s vent terminal

t drain valve

u Igniter and Main Burner

w Metal drain pan

X Gas Control Valve/Thermostat

Y control harness*

aa Motor & Blower

cc condensate fitting

(3 Places Shown)**

Get to Know Your water heater - Gas Models

a vent pipe

B anode

c hot water outlet

D Outlet (120 VAC)

f Gas supply

G Main Manual Gas shut off valve

h Ground joint union

j dirt leg

K outer door

l union

M Inlet water shut off valve

n cold water Inlet

o Inlet dip tube

dd plastic top

ee on/off switch

ff vent pipe assembly #1

GG vent pipe assembly #2

HH Vent Pipe Assembly #3

II side recirculation loop Inlet***

jj side recirculation loop outlet***

(not shown)

KK Vent Attenuation Assembly (VAA)


ll access door


wIth IGnIter asseMBlY

sIde vIew

replaceMent parts and delIMInG


Replacement parts and recommended delimer may be ordered through

authorized servicers or distributors. When ordering parts, provide complete

model and serial numbers (see rating plate), quantity and name of part

desired. Standard hardware items may be purchased locally.